Oil of Olay contains aborted fetuses.

No doubt if this one spreads they’ll have to put a disclaimer on the web site like P&G had to do. It’s too bad people believe this crap.

No no no no…

It’s Oil of Oleg that’s made from aborted foetuses!

(to use a misspelling that seems strangely pervasive here).

Simple: tell her that they actually harvest the collagen from the captured aliens in Area 54, a much cheaper source of collagen than aborted babies.


tsk, tsk you guys.



Yes, it is on-topic. Want collagen?


That’s where collagen comes from these days.
Add some fruit flavor, and you’ve got Jello!

Mmmmm…fetal facecream…

Come on. Everyone knows that dead babies go to make baby oil.

Well of course they use aborted fetuses.

Aborted fetuses being about 100X easier to obtain than say, plant or animal collagen.


I remember a friend trying to spread this to me in the 80’s, that shampoo among other things was made from aborted fetuses. He was quite a nutty “Christian.” He printed this information from a bulletin board on his Commodore 64. I think that this is part of a larger “Abortion Industry coerces women into aborting babies to fuel their larger money interest” myth. I also got the feeling that it was also part of the “Jewish” conspiracy myth.

There’s always room for boiled-hooves-and-artificial-flavoring! :smiley:

You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much ground up dead baby on your face.

pkbites: I don’t think you should argue with this woman. She’s never going to get off the Stupid Bus and live in Saneworld. Instead, whenever she mentions one of these loony ideas, just pat her hand, smile gently, and say, “Okay, yes, sure.” Then pretend she never mentioned it.

Point out she should be VERY sure of her facts before saying something damaging about someone. “False Witness” is not a laughing matter. Ask how she would feel if someone gossiped around that she fertilized her garden with dead babies because they were pretty sure they heard it somewhere…