Oil Spill and Rush Limbaugh

The Limbaugh quote was taken out of context. 6-8 weeks ago?, he mentioned that he got cited by the city for having a couple of back yard porch lights on after dark during the season when the local sea turtles lay their eggs. The environmental-minded city council had passed an ordinance saying that beachfront real estate can’t have lights on after dark for several months, on the assumption that such lights would confuse the newly hatched turtles so that they would run away from instead of into the ocean.

He followed it up by saying that there were activists and researchers on the beach with flashlights, filming and documenting egg hatches. A marine biologist later called the show and debunked the city ordinance.

When he referred to the sea turtles, it was in jest, and listeners understood that.

But why let the facts get in the way of politics, amirite?

Ah, I get it, Rush is like a Zen master, where nothing he says which sounds unscientific or even plain Missouri-mule stupid can be fully understood by the student unless they have wallowed in his teachings and instruction for some time. So for instance, when he said:

That was all taken out of context, and any of his die-hard listeners know what he really means is that trade relations with the Iberian peninsula are dependent upon the ability of the Portuguese government to allow its banks to purchase US treasuries. You betcha. :rolleyes:

Maybe I’m dense, or may it’s Rush… bt I don’t get this. Was there actually a rule, that he violated, about lights on the beach during turtle breeding season? Or was that who light/beach/turtle thing a figment of his imagination - “If I had a socialist econazi city council, this is how things would be…”?

Mother nature does not care if you get a crop or catch fish this week or this year, mother naturedoes not care if the flood takes out your town or the earthquake knocks over the city, or the tornado flattens the area. Eventually, sonething else will grow when it can, and that will attarct more somethings and eventually you will have a full ecosystem just like before. The disaster of the forest fires in Yellowstone, for example, was going to be the end of the world tehre - until after biologists realized it just meant a whole new world.

Oil is a collection of carbon chain molecules of various lengths. Over time, the shorter more volatile ones escape- evaporate, float away, disperse, get eaten by microbes. What’s left is the longer, thicker more solid molecules. One article Iread said the Alaska sound looked clean, but in many spots if you dug down you hit a layer of tar - the solid thick stuff that never dispersed. But eventually the natural processes buried it under other sediment.

This is likely what will happen to the gulf. More Missippi silt will bury the layer of tar that does not disperse, eventually the area will be clean enough that other plants will grow to replace the dead ones, bringing back the animals that feed on them, etc.

How long the shrimp will continue to have that piquant hint of WD40 flavouring? I gues that’s the real question…

Why does every Rush Limbaugh apologist claim Rush is misquoted or misunderstood? You guys are just kidding with that stuff, right?

I’m not really in the mood to read all of Section 27 (AKA “The Jones Act”) of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, so could you point me to the chapter that states that?

The full text of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 with 2006 Re-Codification.

CMC fnord!

The idea that it is like one millionth of a drop is absurd. The ocean is about 3/4 of the globe .But the spill is not affecting the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean or the Pacific Ocean. It is concentrated in a heavily populated, tourist, fishing area of the Gulf of Mexico. I am sure you rejected his analogy when you saw how much oil was pouring into the gulf and landing on the shores of at least 3 states.

And I’d guess having our coastlines underneath 5 feet of water would be a complete and total boon, leading to an economic Golden Age. :rolleyes:

More beach front property and all those underwater houses will need to be rebuilt. Global warming is just the Invisible Hand’s way of addressing the housing bubble.

The thing about that is, it’s completely untrue.

You might ask yourself who is really “playing politics” with the situation: the Obama administration, or the Republican politicians who spread such falsehoods? In any case, I hope you’ll educate people about the truth of the matter.