OK, the Sunday School class is watching Rat Race

Here’s a really hokie video that describes the Theology of Star Wars curriculum: The Theology of Star Wars! - YouTube

Count me as confused by a Sunday School class with no religious content at all. Isn’t that just… child care?

Our high school Sunday School class is called “Film School” and they watch movies every week (usually 1/3 of the movie followed by discussion, for three weeks). It’s always tied to religious themes and ideas, although they are mostly blockbuster movies that are not inherently religious - recently they’ve done Transformers 3 and one of the Star Wars movies. I think Captain America is on the schedule soon.

Here’s the description from our church’s website:

"Film School is a weekly gathering on Sunday mornings where we seek spiritual formation into the image of Jesus through story and conversation. Using movies, television and print media with an eye toward being more than just “consumers” of pop culture.

Rather, at Film School we want to participate in its redemption. Want to subvert the system? Want to discover good art? Join the conversation and come to Film School! Screenings on Sunday Mornings 10:30AM - 11:30AM."

Well, yeah… but I get these kids right after they’re involved in a long church service (“high church”: lots of liturgy and sacred music, like Bach masses). And I get them again Sunday evenings for Confirmation, where we’re sprinting through the entire Old Testament.
So the parents agree that they don’t need much content. We spend an hour talking about their problems: school, friends, drugs/alcohol, and those parents. And watching stupid movies.
But I really like the Film School idea.

That’s basically what Sunday School was like when I was in my early teens. Don’t recall any movies, though.