Okay, so I've been home less than 24 hours and. . .

Folks, I’m not seeing the usual “college freshman comes home, and what was fine a year ago chafes like hell now” bitch-and-moan. Which doesn’t surprise me, because Angel’s earned my respect with her posts this past year.

Sure, some of it is that, and she admits it - especially the stuff about the computer. But then there are a few rather nontrivial issues here that don’t fall into that hopper. For instance:

  1. The mother asking Angel to mediate between her and kid sis. Excuse me, but who’s the parent here? Mom seems to have lost her grasp of this basic fact.

  2. Father who’s leaving work early every day because he’s scared he’ll lose his job. Ummm, Dad, time to be a grownup?

  3. Dad’s apparent depression and emotional abusiveness.

I personally think a 19 year old (give or take) kid has good cause to bitch when her parents refuse to act like grownups in some pretty major areas, especially when the burden seems to be falling in her direction.

Good luck, Angel, you’ll need it.

One other possibility to check into, if you can’t do summer classes for whatever reason: colleges often hire students during the summer for various tasks. I helped paint dorms at my college one summer, and the college put a group of us up in one of the dorms we weren’t painting, for minimal rent. It’s kinda fun to be around the college when you don’t have classes to worry about.

Yeah, in case it wasn’t clear from my earlier post: Good luck and I wish you well. Ride out as best you can the months in which you have no choice and remember that it’s not forever.


I hear ya, Angel. I can be home for a grand total of about 6 hours before my mom starts alternately sighing about her “crappy life” and talking about my brother and sister-in-law like the utterly perfect children they are :rolleyes:, and my dad starts getting grumpy and complaining about my cooking.

My solution is to get a job that allows you to work far into the night, so your contact with them is minimal.

Hey, and is there still speculation that you’ll be attending MSU next year? :slight_smile:

My little brother has a helpful theory: It Could Always Be Worse.

Whatever’s happening to you now could be happening to you, plus my little brother could be kicking you in the head. And that’d be worse, no matter what’s happening to you.

Well, there’s a corrollary to this rule, called It Could Always Be Worse, Unless You’ve Just Accidentally Drunk Jellyfish Tentacles. In that case, getting kicked in the head by my little brother would be a welcome distraction.

I hope this bit of wisdom makes it easier to endure faily for two months. I feel for you, but not as much as I would if you were having to endure family while my little brother kicked you in the head for two months.


Angel, you have my sympathies. I’m so sorry your family is going through a rough spell. It is hard to go home once you’ve left. I love my family; they’re terrific and wonderful and quirky. But after about five days, they start to get on my last raw nerve. Just keep telling yourself, “Only two months. Only two months. And DanielWithrow’s brother could be kicking me in the head.” :wink:

I’m going to be getting a job next week; I’d do it this week, but I’m busy doing laundry and doing chores that, ah, seemingly haven’t been done since I’ve been here. So maybe then things won’t bother me so much. . .

. . .as for MSU next year, it’s a no-go. They won’t allow me to have the scholarship I would have had had I applied there last year (at the very least a change into in-state tuition, at the most, full ride w/a stipend), so I’d have to pay full, out-of-state tuition. Also, while my best friend will be going there, I’m no longer with the SO who’s in the area, so things are marginally less appealing. In short. . .Not happening.

Incidentally…I love my family, as much as I can, I love them. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression about that. I just wish things weren’t so fucked up, is all.

So it’s polite for “hosts” to dump all these problems on a “visitor”?

Sorry to hear about MSU, Angel.

Well, considering that MSU gives a grand total of 15 kids a full ride each year, don’t sweat it!

Let us know when you come up and visit, though. :slight_smile:

I just wish to say the following:

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.”

“Shut up, Beavis. Huh huh. She said screw. Huh huh.”

I fully understand, Angel. My solution was to work 2-3 jobs for about 90 hours a week. Serious! The money racks up fast, you are never around and they can’t complain because you are showing initiative working. If you get a job that starts about 6 in the morning, you can get in serious hours and still have the evening free to chum with friends.

**Angel of the Lord[/]

Something else to consider: Is it possible that your father thinks he is going to lose his job because he’s not going to it? My husband once sang with a guy who would go to work and come home the usual times everyday and his wife didn’t know something was wrong until his company called to find out where he was for the last two weeks!

**Angel of the Lord[b/]

Something else to consider: Is it possible that your father thinks he is going to lose his job because he’s not going to it? My husband once sang with a guy who would go to work and come home the usual times everyday and his wife didn’t know something was wrong until his company called to find out where he was for the last two weeks!

Angel of the Lord

Something else to consider: Is it possible that your father thinks he is going to lose his job because he’s not going to it? My husband once sang with a guy who would go to work and come home the usual times everyday and his wife didn’t know something was wrong until his company called to find out where he was for the last two weeks!