Old people suck

Well, there are old people who are jerks and think they deserve the world on a platter because they are old, and there are old people who are wonderful.

Takes all kinds.

Yep, just like there are YOUNG people who are jerks and think they deserve the world on a platter because they are young. And there are young people who are wonderful.

IOW, people are people and who they are has NOTHING to do with their age. Of course, there are (as I pointed out earlier) some things that change when a nice person gets older. I have noticed that the “failing to censor ones voiced opinions” DOES seem to happen with many people as they age. Also as I said, this is sometimes a bad thing.

However, in general I think that most old people who are jerks were most likely jerks when they were young, too. And vice versa.

They steal too, you know. They all do it. Keep an eye on your batteries.

You should be more considerate of the elderly . I spent some time at a local nursing home, and they are the nicest, sweetest, most trusting people I’ve ever met.

By the end of the first day, I’d bilked them out of almost $20,000 through grifting and Medicare scams.

My Dad died when he was 39…thank Og he had the decency to leave before he became a burden. :rolleyes:

Didn’t we do this already last summer? (I won’t mention the name of the poster who started it, but if you were there, you know who I mean.)

Thread titles like this are plain mean-spirited. Older people are no more or less rude, short-tempered, smelly, or opinionated than any other age group. My Dad is 82 and still does quite well, although his driving is starting to deteriorate. A fellow in our fire company is 92, and other than telling you the same story (again) from when he was a prize fighter in the 1920’s, is a gentleman, and pleasant to be around.

I’ve worked in a hospital, and also as a paramedic, and met many wonderful people in their 70’s and older, full of life who are profoundly lonely. With the advances in medicine, it is likely that the OP will one day be able to stand in line and berate a clerk, unless he happens to undergo the attitude modifier known as maturation.

Young Clerks Suck!

They haven’t got a clue.

If the computer isn’t working, they can’t figure how much change to give you from a dollar if the price is 24 cents.

They think customer service is something people do on their knees in the dark.

Their IQ is usually the same as the number of zits on their face.

They don’t know what an IQ is.

They don’t know where anything is, and don’t give a fuck.

(Disclaimer:Im aware that not all young people have this sort of behavior, please dont be offended. Also, I know this is the pit so I am not sorry for use of the f-word.)

Soilcreep, that isn’t funny.

Scotticher, that was my point. It isn’t being old that’s a problem with these people, it’s that they’re assholes. They just use their age as an excuse. I’m sure they did it when they were young as well.

Assholes are universal.

I was hoping Soilcreep was kidding…

I know, Guin…I was agreeing with you. The probverbial “me too” post. Sorry I wasn’t more clear.

Wow danceswithcats, you make me sound like a really bad person… and I didnt even do anything! Yea the title was a little mean spirited, but then again so were they. I was just venting. If I do live that long I will never berate a clerk, as I dont do that sort of thing now.

Some people are assholes – when they are young, they are young assholes, when they’re middle-aged, they are middle-aged assholes and when they are old, they are old assholes. Such is life.

One of my grandmas was an absolute bitch on wheels. She was alcoholic, profane and meaner than snake-shit. I only knew her as an old lady, of course, but I have it on good authority that she was alcoholic, profane and meaner than snake-shit as a young lady as well.

My other grandma was also a corker. During a fight with a neighbor, she punched him in the jaw. She didn’t slap him, she punched him. Knocked him clean off the porch and onto his ass in the front yard. She was an old lady then – about 60 or so. However, I have it on good authority that she was similarly natured as a young-'un. Nobody wise ever screwed with her twice.

My granddad was a sweetheart and a gentleman. Always. Everyone who ever knew him loved and respected him. He was the sweetest, nicest old man you’d ever want to meet. And the sweetest and nicest young man you’d ever want to meet, or so I’ve been told. My other grandfather (who died before I could know him) was the same – a great young guy, and a great old guy.

People are people. And their personalities don’t change much between young and old. A young asshole = an old asshole – eventually. And a young great guy = an old great guy, if he manages to live long enough.

Here’s an exercise for you Obvious Guy – start keeping track of the assholes you meet. Keep a little book in your pocket and, after the asshole storms away, make a little note with age, sex and race. Keep track for a month and I’ll bet you’ll find that assholitude knows no boundries. Assholes come in all flavors.

Then, if you aren’t sick of the topic yet, start a second notebook to keep track of the good guys for a month. You’ll find good guys, too, in all demographics.

Jess (who is always polite and kind to everyone and who is planning to be a nice old lady someday)

I’m going to be like Sophia on the Golden Girls when I get old.

Yeah, I know. I once knew a guy who “hated old people” based on the ones he encountered working at a flea market. The old people did this, the old people did that. But he was working at a fucking flea market! :smack:

My only beef with old people is how some of them drive.

I live in a town with a major snowbird population – the old folks show up in hordes in their Winnebagos every year, towing their Toyotas behind – and time and time again, they STOP on the goddamn interstate onramp! They STOP!

They’ve got two hundred feet of feeder lane to get up to speed and merge into the goddamn interstate traffic, but NO, they’re going to STOP at the TOP of the goddamn onramp, and WAIT for a BREAK IN INTERSTATE TRAFFIC before they’re going to step on the damn gas pedal!

And when you honk at them, they look at you like you just peed in the punch at their daughter’s wedding.

On the other hand, I recently bought a stuffed animal at Toys-Ain’t-Cheap, and had a rather bizarre ritual with the clerk.

First, she asked me if I wanted batteries.

I asked if the stuffed toy used them. I picked it up and examined it. Did it do something I wasn’t aware of?

She got flustered, admitted she didn’t know, but did I want any?

I said that if the toy did not require them, then neither did I.

She then rang me up and asked me for my phone number.

I smiled and thanked her, but replied that I was married.

She got flustered again, reset to zero, and asked for my phone number again.

I asked her why she wanted it.

She replied that she didn’t know, but that the cash register was asking her for it.

I replied that if I did not wish to date her, why would I wish to date her cash register?

She got flustered, punched in some random numbers, took my credit card, and then confessed that the company forced them to ask all these stupid questions when they rang someone out.

Man, if I was an old person, I might well cop an attitude about this. Hell, I’m cranky enough as it IS…

Oh yes. I came charging in here with my sock hunting gear a-blazin’, but I don’t think Obvious Guy is one of his remaining disguises…

Hell yeah! Sophia is one cool old lady. :cool:

My family doctor is 90-plus and still runs his own medical practice. He also drives just fine. New York has a surprisingly large population of old people. They are for the most part bright, articulate, well-educated and independent. They go out and do cultural things. Driving is not a big issue, since there is no need to if you live in the city.

As the one with the broad horizon who is here to provide a different perspective on all these “me-too” topics, I felt it is my duty to point out the above.