OMFG! Its Benny Hill!!

Oh, thanks a lot! Now I have the Benny Hill theme stuck in my head.


I loved it too- not while being stoned (not my gig), but the functional equivilent, being a teenager.

Ah, good times . . .

Moderator’s Notes:
This looks like a fine topic that should relieve some of the monotony of the 10,000 LOTR threads over in Cafe Society for Euty and Uke—and maybe everyone else, too. Off it goes.

You want light entertainment… possibly I heard it here, but I tried it, and it was great. Got Grand Theft Auto 3 going, and put the Benny Hill music on infinite repeate on my MP3 player.

After thirty seconds it becomes annoying.

After ten minutes, it’s the funniest thing in the world.

Hey! How about a spoiler warning, for Pete’s sake!

Liam Neeson is supposed to be funny? I need to go rent Schindler’s List again… :smiley:

My brother takes part in a Civil War reenactments, and a member of his platoon was from England, who said he served in the military alongside Benny Hill. I think every male was required to serve back then…but he said Hill constantly spent time in the brig.

No wonder he lampooned military figures in a lot of his sketches.

You know, all these years, I would have sworn that was Benny Hill playing one of the two IRA guys in The Quiet Man. I see now from the IMDB list that he was not in that film, but the film actor is a dead ringer for him.

I was shocked when I first caught one of his shows. He was doing some sort of musical involving diseases and I have the vague memory of Benny dressed like a nurse holding a large hypodermic needle and singing something. Then they overlaid him as Carmon Miranda singing a duet, and even a third BH in a different costume.

Then there were the times when he played an Indian, complete with brownface makeup. I think he did blackface routines as well, which would have gotten him cancelled in a heartbeat if tried on an American network.

Yes, Benny was a throwback to the old days of burlesque and vaudeville. Most of the jokes were corny and old, but they had a lot of energy behind them (in the same way as “Airplane!” one of my favorite movies). And some of the song parodies were pretty clever.

I can appreciate him for being him.

And I would love to play GTA with the Hill theme playing!

Ah, Benny, if you only knew how much we loved you.

 You have no idea what you're saying to the people of the United States. His show is considered great over here and his appeal seems to cross all racial, cultural, and economic barriers here. He is one of the funniest men in history. 

 That said I myself apologige for "Friends." I understand it's been exported to the U.K. and I'm truly sorry. A comedy is supposed to be funny I thought.


His show was one of the first “western” programs shown on Soviet television in the '80s. According to a friend of mine, the advertising was left in place… so they really wanted and could not get those Kit-Kat bars.

Jeez. I avoid the Cafe Society like the plague. I started this over in MPSIMS because it was more about the shock of seeing Benny where I didn’t expect him, and now its bloomed into a Cafe Society “Benny Hill Appreciation” thread. Now that’s a real shock! :slight_smile:

‘soylent green is STILL made from people! they said they were going to stop, but they didn’t!’-old snl sketch.
that being said, benny hill was hilarious. his material must have been several millennia old, but he could pull it off hilariously. i was shocked that he was as old as he was when he died. i thot he was in his 30’s or 40’s.