Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

I’m not sure what’s stupid here.

Posting a full confession to Instagram?

Yes. Killing someone, then asking for help on Instagram to hide the body.

We saw that on the news last night. I facepalmed, and reminded my children that step one of hiding a body is not to advertise that you have a body to hide. Squeaky, my thirteen year-old, just shook his head. He then reminded his older brother that step one is to call Dad, because apparently I know how to dispose of bodies.1 I don’t know if I should be worried or proud.

1 - I mean I do, but that is not knowledge I ever plan to test, and I’m not sure why Squeaky knows this, but if any of my kids ever go the supervillain route, my money’s on him.

That’s what Quora’s for.

You ask for nothing and you shall receive it.

in abundance!


A good friend will help you move.

A great friend will help you move the body.

Or IMHO here on the boards. “Need help fast.”

A best friend has pre-dug holes.

And where do you find pre-dug holes…and the most logical place for a body? Seriously, what are they teaching kids these days?

To pre dig their holes.
Work smarter, not harder.

Teacher (and a dad) here:

You PLAN those holes, and you DIG them. Long before you need them, so you’re not making a sloppy hole at the last minute with your adrenaline pumping.

And you RESEARCH it, and get the necessary chemicals (And, y’know, Mitch, when they say 10 lbs of lime, you do NOT need to squeeze any limes).

If kids these days did their homework, and watched the YouTube links, and bought the required reading, it’d be a good B+/A- job, ready for a quick dump. Which is important, because you have to get back to your workmates at the bar to keep your alibi intact.

Where they’ll learn that the real solution to all of this isn’t holes, it’s pigs.

You don’t need to dig the hole, you just need to go where they are pre-dug and ready to go. Bring flowers perhaps a rock or two, so you don’t look suspicious.

There is a bit of prep, mostly looking at obituaries and noting the time when the pre-dug hole would be available.

I always thought you were supposed to get Walter White to loan you a barrel of the right solvent – but not to use the second floor bathtub.

And remember, after you bury the body plant endangered plants over it so it’s illegal to dig it up.

You need garbage bags, plenty of newspapers, plastic ground covering, a saws-all, plenty of bleach, and a knowledge of at least twenty poorly lit dumpsters in a twenty mile radius.

And a strong stomach.

My approach; I befriend a guy who owns a crematorium.

That is just silly. The ground will just soak that shit right up. And any bits you miss will be taken care of by the small animals that come around someone else’s yard.

In Arizona, all you need to do is take your…friend…out to the desert. There’s so much desert where no one goes, but the coyotes roam. Forget lye and predug holes. Too much work and completely unnecessary.

Throw 'em out of a plane. You get a hole for free.