On bitchs.sluts and political correctness

Please understand, I’m taking dictation here; responding for my four-footed friend that’s sitting at foot-side:

Who the hell told you humans it was OK to subvert the word “bitch” to a derogatory connotation? The best sex I’ve ever had has been with bitches. Knock it off!
As for your indiscriminate use of the word “pussy”, well, take it from the voice of experience, that stuff’s only fit for chasin’ up trees.


Just don’t stick your baited tongue in the water…

cheesy announcer voice:

They are just for breakfast anymore.

(close in on hollywood smile with glimmer on it)

Random thoughts on the subject of insults:

One of my closest friends would sometimes go into “flaming queen” mode (usually in response to some smart-ass remark), which eventually led to either me or my wife waiting for the appropriate moment to mutter “faggot” - at which point he would stop and say either “where, where?” or “and proud of it!”

Once when I was trying to negotiate through a crowded train platform I had to push past a woman who apparently thought I was unnecessarily violating her "space’’ and said something to the effect of “watch it, nigger.” I stopped and looked back at her, shook my head, and continued on my way, trying to figure out why a Black/Afro-American/whatever woman would call a white/Caucasion/whatever man “nigger”.

Insults can be given, but need not be accepted.

We didn’t get much out of this debate the last time we did it, either.

I didn’t realize that it had been the subject of a prior pit thread ** Cervaise **. Thanks for pointing it out. **lissener’s argument was more articulate then mine but the point is essentially the same.

Hmm…I think I’m offended by all this offense!

/Berke Breathed/

Ohmigod, it’s offensensitivity! Aiigh!

:everybody runs:

/Berke Breathed/

Oh, cripes, when you tell people what NOT to say in terms of profanity, it makes them want to say it even more. That’s why it’s profane to begin with.

And for the record, I’ll paraphrase Guin in the other thread and say I’m proud to be a bitch. :slight_smile:

Excellent point.

Where I am, Bitch has spawned a much less offencive (at least in our usage) term: Beeyyyatch, which tends to mean something akin to “dweeb.”

I will illustrate with two scenes.

Person slaps me for no reason: “You bitch!”

Person gives me a “wet willie”: “You beeeyyyaattcchh!”