On Stranger Tides. Anyone read it?

I just wanted to mention that I just won an Ebay auction yesterday with Stranger Tides and Dinner at the Deviant’s Palace. I’m pretty pumped.

The only really depressing thing is that I won’t let myself read them until I finish proofing my friend’s manuscript (he’s writing a fantasy novel and it’s hideous–talk about setting the bar at ankle height…) and Robert Jordan’s latest trainwreck. sigh

Slotar Just think of your new-to-you books as a reward for slogging through your friends manuscript.

I’d post excerpts but I’m afraid he’d google for it and get his feelings hurt. sigh But he does have talent–I’ve read some great short stories he’s done. I’m hoping he gets into the swing of it soon…

GRRRRR, dang it! Slortar, I meant to bid on that auction and forgot!

Shirley, I think you’ll like Anubis Gates. Having just finished Declare, it put me in the mood for more Powers, and since he hasn’t come out with anything else, I just went back and re-read Anubis. Lots of tension, and he plots that one a lot tighter than some of his later books. (And I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say, man, does that guy get beat up in that book.)

I think I need to find a copy of The Stress of Her Regard next - I think I’ve read it, but I can’t remember the details, and I don’t have a copy of it…