One Performance that destroyed another

I keep thinking the same thing when I see Blade Runner.

Jean Hagen’s turn as Leena Lamont in Singin’ In The Rain was totally priceless, but supposedly damaged her career.

You’re right, but Nielsen is preceived as a comic actor because those are the only roles he’s chosen to play since Airplane! . He hasn’t gone back to playing the ultra-square guys he played before 1980. He’s made a great living playing Drebin-esque characters for over 25 years now, on top of the super-serious ones he played for 25 years before that. He’s in his eighties now, believe it or not, and still going strong. I say he should get a honorary Oscar.

Strange, I found that The Matrix perfected Priscilla for me.
Queen’s set at Live Aid, destroyed every other groups set. They compeletly blew everyone else out of the water.

Ah. Merci.

I had a big problem with Passion of the Christ being a Life of Brian fan. I think a lot of folks on this board mentioned the same issue when the movie came out.

I’ve been trying to watch House but it’s really hard for me to see Hugh Laurie as a crabby, unshaven, limping, t-shirt-wearing, genius American doctor when I am used to him being an aloof, shaven, limber, stylish (usually), numbskull British comedian/fop/soldier/playboy in A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Blackadder and Jeeves & Wooster.

My mom, who saw House first was equally as disturbed when I showed her Jeeves & Wooster.

I can’t see the actress who played Jerry’s sweet mother Mrs. Seinfeld without thinking about her guest appearance on “NCIS.” :eek:

Every time Elrond says, “Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Baggins”, my brain automatically fills in, “My name…is FRODO!!!”


I came here to post the very same thing. I tried to re-watch my J & W DVDs the other night and it just doesn’t work anymore.

Speaking of Blackadder, Miranda Richardson single-handedly destroyed all other portrayals of Elizabeth I, before or since: it’s impossible to watch Cate Blanchett or Judi Dench doing Queen Bess without thinking, “Percy - who’s Queen?”.

Well, when I saw him in Princess Bride, I expected him, as I always do, to take off his shoes and “air out the old dogs.”

I haven’t seen Wallace Shawn in much else but Deep Space Nine, so when I see him, I keep expecting to hear him yell, “QUAAAARRKKK!”

Nope. I yell out “De plane! De plane!”

This is exactly what I thought of–I simply cannot take him seriously now!

My dad once told me that Jack Elam used to play some really serious bad guys–I’m talking about real bastards. (I only saw one clip from an old Western flick and he was shooting at a baby, so I can believe it) But then came Support Your Local Sherriff, and his career as a baddie was over !

The first Batman movie was totally ruined for me because I kept expecting big spikes to come shooting out of his head at any moment.

(Michael Keaton had just gotten through playing Beetlejuice.