One's movies, music or books...what reveals most?

I guess I would have to say that I can’t make that choice. I am passionate about all three, but have invested much more time in building out my collections in books and music - I have a bunch of strongly-held opinions about movies based on a lot of movie-watching, but my shelves don’t overflow with DVD’s or tapes they way they do with CD’s and books.

IMHO, I would say that is depends on what the other person is passionate about. If they are into books, I am happy to engage via discussion or by checking out their shelves - same with music or movies. What would ultimately matter is if they state their passion and I realized that they were coming from a different place from me.

Art - e.g., paintings, sculpture or other visual arts - could be just as key. Someone with great CD’s or books but who claims to love art - yet has a Thomas Kinkade on their wall would still be a “step away” situation for me in terms of expecting a quality conversation, let alone a relationship.

It is dangerous - it is easy to get dismissive when someone isn’t well-read or well-musick’d, but there is often still a lot there if I am patient…