OpalCat's website broke and is no more. Bummer

Yes Bubblewrap ran in Flash.

No offense but why’d you have to include the advert for your biz on the post?

I didn’t know I did. I got an email with your post and responded to the email, so I guess it had my signature block (since it went to my business email). I didn’t even realize that it was posted. I now see that I need to click on visit the topic instead of replying via email. Believe me, I am not looking for business (on this message board or in general–I am semi-retired and do no marketing.) I am not very familiar with message boards–that was my daughter’s thing, not mine. So if anyone was offended, it was not done intentionally. In fact, I am more concerned that my personally identifying information is now on this messgae board.

Yes, the “respond by email” feature is not particularly intuitive and I can see how it would’ve added your signature. I reported the post to the mods for you.

Taken care of. Thank you for flagging it.

Her son is not interested in selling any of her original art.
Copies of her art are for sale on her Fine Arts America site. Even very small items can be purchased there. Her share of the proceeds is automatically deposited in her son’s bank account. He’s in college now, so that always helps. (I don’t know if Fine Arts America discontinues sites that have no traffic, but the last time I looked, it was still there.) In any event, her art can be seen there. Her name on Fine Arts America is Katherine Huck Fernie Howard Artist.
(Katherine Huck Fernie Howard Art - Fine Art America)

This thread is giving me all sorts of nostalgic feelings. She was beautiful, and kooky (and please understand that I consider kooky one of the best things a person can be), and an amazing artist, and a great poster!

I mean, who else…

  1. could have created a whole epic harangue about how the word buckeye was gross because it evoked a male deer’s eyeball,
  2. single handedly redefined the meaning of list, which must include three or more things, which led to that classic doperism:
  3. Hi Opal!

Sending my love, @OpalsMom - your daughter was such a light in this world. I hope you continue to post on the boards.

Eh. You can argue it was technically true, but the title contained implications that were not. The new title makes it clear that the site just broke, rather than someone replacing it with their own site.

thank you for that link. her art is amazing.

we do try to keep her memory eternal on this board.

Thank you!

I was here about the time these sort of social media came popular. I seem to remember her own website also has a message board. I remember a few very specific things and some visuals from back then…about 20 years ago. Take care!

A touching memorial! :heart: