Opossums: Cute, or ugly?

Definitely cute.

I also think crows are pretty cool, so I’m used to being in the minority on animals.

God, so cute!
I’ve always been baffled by people who are so grossed out by them. Other than some people, I really can’t think of any mammals I find repulsive.

I can.

Yep. A baby possum is darn cute. A big old one?* not so much.*

But 'coons are almost always cute.

Something about their mouth and nose is a bit ugly. The rest is fine. From a sufficient distance not to be able to really see the nose, and if their mouth is closed, then cute. Close up, mouth open, not so much.

Well sure, but that’s not a fair way to judge. Anything can look ugly in certain circumstances. If Beyoncé was snarling at me like she wanted to rip my arm off, she’s not going to look that good. But I’d still call her cute overall.

They’re cuter than shit when they’re little, but when they get big they look like Satan’s lap dog.

Me too. I give them peanuts. I haven’t gotten them to get very close, but a couple will perch on the roof and even edge their way close to the low side. Beautiful birds.

I read that as ‘Santa’s lap dog’.


“you lack gravitas you assed hole”

Our dog brought a “dead” opossum into our house one night. We pushed it out the front door and waited. It took about 20 minutes to come back to life and walk away. It really did look dead.

Useful, maybe. Interesting, yes.

But ugly as sin. The adults are ugly, the babies are ugly, I’m betting opossums look ugly under the microscope at the fertilized egg stage.

On the bright side, they’re not as bad-tempered as raccoons.

We have a pair of ravens I occasionally give meat scraps to. They recognize me, and will come down right after I drop the scraps, getting withing a couple yards of me. Darn smart birds.

An opossum killed one of my chickens, so they aren’t getting any positive feedback from me on any aspect of their appearance, character, dignity, or behavior. I shoot them on sight.

Your wife is an opossum? :confused:


I’ve raised many little ones and returned 'em back to the wild… except for one who turned out to be a homing ‘possum - she returned back to my patio where she built a sleeping nest in a empty half-barrel. It was filled with dried grass and lined with fresh fern fronds that got replaced by her every week or so. She also would bring scraps of garbage(newspapers, plastic wrappers and such) to fortify the nest. The most unusual things she brought back were a 20’ disposable plastic painting tarp and a long strip of crime scene tape(no idea where THAT got picked up).

Having her around kept the slugs n snails cleared out of the patio garden patch. Offer up leftover fruits n veggies for your local 'possums so they’ll hang around and help rid your garden of pests, a much better solution than using slug bait - it’s poisonous for dogs and cats if they get into it.

I like opossums, but I’m sorry, I had to vote ugly.

Now, if you want a cute opossum you could go for the Wooly Opossum or even better Mouse Opossum.

My household is the same, my wife thinks ugly and I think cute.

Ugly … and they stink …

Agreed; the poll could have had a choice for “both.”

(Sorta like bulldogs. Ugly…and totally loving.)