Origin of (Incorrect) Sterotype of 'Cheap' Scots?

<tangent> I have a Harry Lauder album. It used to be my dad’s (aye, a Scotsman). Lots of old drinking songs on it, IIRC. </tangent>

ETA: Oh, and my dad’s family was certainly thrifty, but it had more to do with being in the U.S. during the Great Depression. The great, great grandparents weren’t tightwads, but I don’t believe the were big spnders either.

Ok, butt is a better choice of word than source

If anything, that makes it seem even more obscene!

Calivinism is the likely source of the stereotype.

From http://www.coe.uga.edu/~rhill/workethic/hist.htm :

Well I know that, and I’m sure my grandmother knew that, but this was coming out of her mouth very late in her life when her mind was going and she tended to say things that nobody would have blinked at when she was young but are inappropriate stereotypes now (most notably, she commented on my town’s large Hispanic population by complaining that “they steal our women with their reputations for being great lovers!”)

Anyway, the word “Scotch” was what they used to mean “thrifty” when she was young, so that’s the one that popped into her head and came out of her mouth. (Also, don’t forget there is, or was, a bargain grocery brand called “Scotch Buy”.)

I have a vague and elusive memory of an anecdote which detailed how the City of Aberdeen embarked on a very large and expensive civic improvement scheme (lots of granite) only to declare itself bankrupt when called upon to pay up.

This anecdote is referenced here.

For the lowdown on the most miserly Scot, see here.

Wonderfully, this stereotype is the source of the name of Scotch Tape: