Other Kurt Vonnegut fans?

I love Vonnegut.

Just let me 3rd the vote for Welcome to the Monkey House. Some of the stories in there have deep philosophical and/or political power to them, especially when he tries to gaze into the future.

I love Kurt Vonnegut. I have read Slaughterhouse Five, and Breakfast of Champions. We just finished reading Harrison Bergeron in Enclish Class.

hmmm… it’s hard to pick just one, especially since I haven’t read all of them, and none for a few years now, but I’ll say Breakfast of Champions followed closely by all the rest.

Yup - must be time to dig them out again - in an MPSIMS thread I conflated Slaughterhouse-5 & Sirens of Titan.

Like others have said, I went on a Vonnegut kick during my senior year in high school. That & Ayn Rand (what a combo!)

I think I like his older stuff better - the 2 listed above & Cat’s Cradle. I enjoy his short stories & essays as well.