Our freedom is on it's last legs.

Our freedom is on it’s [sic] last legs. Someone obviously took his kids to see the new Disney Movie this weekend.

Look, it’s all part of Bush’s brilliant plan. The terrorists hate us for our freedom, so if we get rid of our freedom, they won’t hate us anymore.

That’s your solution to everything!


Only because it solves everything.

And hates his freedom, from the looks of it.

Off to the pub.

Guess Ino and Buttonjockey are on their last kegs by now.

OK, so the president said it. That just means that it is still a steaming load of horse shit. I think every time he opens his mouth from now on, my stock reply to any Bushism will be “Where the fuck is Osama”. I’m sure all international assassins, master spies and supervillains are skulking into libraries. There’s just not enough rolleyes for it.

lno, may I suggest a pig’s bladder and a wacky Horpo Marx horn?

I meant Harpo.

C’mon, you gotta know I meant Harpo.

Horpo Marx, least known of the Marx brothers was killed by an exploding pig’s bladder in Viet Nam…


You mean you will not be surprised, there, Ahmed. And don’t tell anyone about this. We’ll explain why when the van stops by later.

Y’all are missing how serious this is.

Let’s suppose there is a bad guy. He calls your number by mistake, a wrong number. They go through his phone records see’s that he dialed your number. Not only will you be checked out but every one you called will be checked out too.

And there is no judicial control over this. Just some gung ho idiot in a suit.

And they will keep this record forever!

This doesn’t bother you?


Amazing, how many people you managed to whoosh with this, innit?


The revelation that I am a frequent user of 900 number services will be a shame to myself and my decendants :frowning: *

*This has been a joke, brought to you by Mang humor services

I expect to not have any privacy. I also expect that if I were ever handed a letter like this I’d tell the agent to go fuck himself.


I’m reminded of a joke.

These two guys are traveling through this small town. They’re going over the speed limit and a local cop pulls them over. The cop walks up to the driver’s side and tells the driver: “Give me your license and registration.”
The driver starts saying, “Listen, officer -” but as soon as he starts talking, the cop slaps him across the face and says, “I didn’t tell you to talk. Just give me your license and registration.”
So the driver doesn’t say a word. He hands the cop his paperwork and sits there while the cop writes him a ticket.
Then the cop walks around to the passenger’s side, reachs in, slaps the other guy, and says, “There, you got what you wanted.”
The passenger asks, “What are you talking about?”
The cop says, "Because a mile down the road, your buddy was going to ask, “Why did that asshole slap me like that?’ and you were going to say, ‘I don’t know, but I wish he had tried that shit with me’.”

Excellent joke!

Yes, you can feel very smug about telling an FBI agent to fuck himself when you’re sitting in a secret detention facility for a few years.

Anyway, here’s another tidbit from the article, for those who think this can’t possibly hurt them:

Due process jackass. I have friends at the national lawyers guild that would love to turn it into a media circus. Sure I’d be in jail for a while, but fuck it, if it’s what has to happen.


I’ve been in jail. It’s not as fun as it looks on TV. Also, when you’re secretly held in a secret detention facility you don’t generally get access to your lawyer friends.

So as long as we’re talking about lost freedoms, how does everyone feel about Connecticut’s & New Jersey’s use of Eminent domain to seize property and sell it to developers rather than public use?

Just asking, I know it frightens the hell out of me.


But surely Aunt Bea’s apple pie makes it all worth while, right?