Oz - what!? *spoilers*

So any predictions for tomorrow night’s final episode?

My guesses. . .

Beecher (MacDuff) kills Schillinger (the Scottish lord) onstage during the performance of the Scottish tragedy (notice how I didn’t say "Macbeth? [What? Damn, damn, damn]).

Alvarez dies

Keller dies

Cyril gets executed or shanked

Ryan kills his old man (or vice versa)

The conspiracy is traced to the governor, who shows up in prison overalls at the end of the show

The Aryans find out Robson’s HIV diagnosis and kill him.

Damn! Those are great sounding predictions, Gobear. I’m just going to jump on your bandwagon!

I have hopes that my two favorite characters(Ryan and Miguel) will survive, but I can see the seeds of their deaths planted already.

also, am I the only one that thought the episode where Cyril is supposed to be executed was great? It takes a lot for a TV show to bring tears to my eyes, but that episode did it.

My prediction:

Adebisi comes back from the dead!!!

I can see it now . . .
Adebisi: Hey everybody I’m back! Where’s Said so I can kill his traitorous ass?

Random Prisoner: Sorry, some boring, pointless non-entity with no logical motivation beat you to it.

Adebisi: Goddam this show sucks!

I’ve got to agree with everyone here, even though I haven’t seen any episode’s in the latest season. I barely watched any last season, either, partly to due to my inability to set a VCR but also because I couldn’t bear to sit through some of those plotlines. Yes, once upon a time, I thought Oz was the best show on TV and completely underrated. Were any of those guys- Beecher, Alvarez, the writers at least- ever even nominated for an Emmy? When I heard it was ending, I was so glad they decided to put it out of its misery. Better late than never, right? And putting on a play isn’t that farfetched- I know of a prison where the inmates do just that, purposely choosing plays about crie and punishment (e.g. the Telltale Heart). We’ll see… Well, you will. I’ll read about it…


Nobody in this thread said they thought prisoners putting on a play was farfetched. I, however, did point out that putting Schillinger in the role of MacBeth and Beecher MacDuff is a rather obvious setup on a couple of different levels.

  1. The murderous, conniving Schillinger plays the murderous, conniving MacBeth. The imperfect but essentially good and decent but Beecher, who has had several family members killed by Schillinger plays the imperfect but essentially good and decent MacDuff, whose family was killed by MacBeth.

  2. It’s pretty obvious that Beecher is going to end up killing Schillinger on stage in the closing moments of the production, just as MacDuff kills Macbeth.

Since the OP title really captures my feelings about last night’s finale, I’m sticking with this thread. There were feeble attempts to tie up loose ends (Hoyt telling Mukada Cloutier’s location, getting shanked for it, Mukada finding the body and then bricking it back up in the wall), overly sentimental parental pap (Ryan reconciling with his father after Cyril’s execution just didn’t fly with me at all), and public service announcement-worthy B.S. (Robson’s announcement of his HIV-positive status to the rape group with its emphasis on having unprotected sex; and to a degree, Claire’s pregnancy). It seemed Tom Fontana was trying too hard at times to provide symmetry and leave us with a message. I would have been happier had the episode ended without another monologue from Hill, stopping after the prison-voice-over montage.

That said, there were some high points, mainly in Alvarez’s storyline. His delivery of the “I’m tired” speech to Torquemada was incredible. You could see him just sort of collapse inside and give up everything, and in the process I think spoke more about prison than the lay-it-all-out-on-the-table Hill monologues.

I can’t believe they got Poet to play a Weird Sister.

I’m still trying to sort out how I feel and understand the Keller/Beecher/Schillinger triangle. So Keller knew Beecher was in danger from the Aryans, proposed a false alliance between himself and Schillinger where he swore to kill Beecher and therefore protected him, arranged for Beecher to shank Schillinger by switching the knives, then exterminated the Aryans, all to prove his love? Is that the general idea? The exchange between Keller and Beecher was some pretty powerful acting. Like Alvarez, Keller died a little inside before he actually went over the railing.

What was in the jar Keller sent to the mailroom? My first thought was some kind of ammonia gas, but I have no idea. I am also ticked off Adebisi made no cameo appearance.

My biggest disappointment was not learning how Adebisi kept those knitted condoms stuck to h
is head.

I’m in agreement with whoever made the remark of buying the first 2 seasons on DVD. Maybe season 3. But that’s where it ends. Too bad. The show was something I looked forward to watching… this season I watched out of habit and curiosity of how it would end. It wasn’t worth the time.