Palin's political future

How did that work out for Dan Quayle?

Eh, maybe. I think Fred Thompson’s performance was very similar to Gen. Wesley Clark’s: some people were sure he’d be very impressive based on his resume alone and they managed to “draft” him, but then he didn’t know what to do and ran a bad campaign.

Pat Fucking Buchanan is positively enamored with her. He thinks this is the beginning of a big illustrious career in Washington DC. Unfortunately I can actually picture this happening.

The repubs have left a mess that may be unfixable. I do not see how it can be salvaged in 4 years. Winning this time is more like a sentence than a victory.

If she can build a base of knowledge and experience, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her take a serious shot at President in 8 or 12 years.

Continue as governor, try to nab the Senate seat from Begich in 2014 (or even better, inherit it from Stevens, but it’s appearing unlikely that he’ll win), use her 15 minutes of fame to network and connect with national players, effectively campaign like crazy for Republicans across the nation so she’s got some favors to call in, and so on. I don’t think her having a bright future is completely out of the question.

She just got called up from the minors too soon, that’s all.

She’ll be in her early 50s then, so she won’t have that MILF / sexy librarian factor going for her as much. Which means that’s she’d have to a) get substantive and b) get smart. Unless she quits her day job to take time to study up on the real world and gets her head out of her own ass, I don’t see that happening.

I do think there is something Qualesque about Palin. He was solidly defended by the “base” of the party for defending the “right” values. He was also found to be cute and charming and of course, error prone.

Not the last time, Nixon has already been mentioned, but John Kennedy comes to mind. I seem to remember him on Adli Stevenson’s ticket as VP.

He campaigned for it, (behind the scenes) but Estes Kefauver was the Dem VP nominee in 1956.

She has embarrassed herself, the party, the presidential nominee, and all but the most mule-headed and delusional of those who initially cheered her arrival on the scene. She will never again get either spot on the GOP presidential ticket. There’s an old saying in Alaska - I know it’s in California, it’s probably in Alaska - that says, “Fool me once… shame on… shame on you… fool me, we can’t get fooled again.”

I can see Sarah Baracuda going back to a big fish in her small pond, or perhaps becoming a fringe pundit and gadfly, sort of a 21st-century Phyllis Schlafly.

Dingdingding! We may have a winner!

Few candidates ever loss by as large a degree as Mondale. That was a huge slaughter. Even McGovern did not lose by as much. You have to go back to 1936 and Alfred M. Landon losing to FDR for a worse defeat than Mondale’s.

I could see her running for Senate, but I actually think Stevens will sadly get off with little more than a wrist slap and get re-elected by Alaska.

Never the Bull Moose Party. She is so far from Teddy that it is scary.

I think Huckabee was more appealing to those that did not share his values. He was a nicer guy and comes across more intelligent. He also had a nearly popularist platform as opposed to a support the rich platform.

Guys, I think you’re looking at Palin through azure-tinted glasses. She has energised the Republican base. She has significantly delayed McCain’s slide. For all her hockey-mom looks, she would not have got so far if she were not a savvy operator. These are all political positives. Comparisons with Quayle are disingenuous: he had been VP and had a history of gaffes. Give her experience of the Big Game and she’ll be very dangerous. Absent Obama doing a Carter, Obama will be a lock for 2012, so 2016 will be her next main chance.

By then she might have a lock on that GILF thing, though.

I disagree, she gave McCain a surge and brought out the religious right for the campaign, but she has helped independents decide on Obama. The more she talk, the more Obama gained and then of course the economy tanking gave him a big surge.

And completely repulsed everyone outside of it.

This is not remotely true. Obama now has a double digit lead in The Gallup poll, and part of that is directly attributable to the Couric interview. She has actaully cost McCain support, not added to it.

If she tries at all, it will be in 2012, but she will not be successful. She has a very narrow range of appeal among voters. Her image outside her base has already all but solidified as a dimwit and a social extremist.

That pretty much says it all. Sarah’s done.

Also, the usual in-the-tank media outlets won’t be in the tank for her against other Republicans in the primaries – and I expect Romney at least and possibly a few others to be back for another go at it. Thus, she won’t have her usual shielding against media scrutiny, and I really don’t see her making the effort that would be necessary to correct her ignorance and mental laziness over the next four years.

Wait. This is what McCain’s campaign looks like after the bleeding as stopped? Every single national poll has Obama up. and both have Obama with over 300 electoral votes. What would it look like if she hadn’t “significantly delayed McCain’s” slide? Would he just be holding on to Utah and Arizona?

Don’t think so. From the AP poll, October 1.

That only half the Republicans think she’s ready to be president can’t be helping. It doesn’t say what percent of their sample is Republicans, but given that the support in the independent and Dem columns must be in the single digit range.

McCain needed independents to win. Palin hurt him with them. I think when all is over her choice (his fault) and the market (not his fault) will be what did him in.

Now that’s an interesting claim. Can we have some cites, please?
