Paranoid parents and Halloween candy.

could be rabbit turds.

There were also stories of people putting drugs in candy.

What drug addict is going to give his or her drugs away, to kids who won’t appreciate it, no less.

I can’t allow Shodan to bear that burden all by his lonesome. I volunteer to be the official SD taster for any Three Musketeer bars, York Peppermint Patties, and Junior Mints that anyone tries to poison your children with.

It’s a sacrifice, I know… but DAMMIT, it’s time somebody takes a stand!

I’ll take care of the pesky Dots, Sugar Daddies, Sugar Babies, Bit-o-Honeys and…sigh…I’ll take the rootbeer barrels. For the team.

I confess, when I was a kid I hated getting apples instead of candy when trick or treating. Same for baked goods. So I started the rumor of razor blades. It worked much better than I expected.

Nobody gives out apples or baked goods anymore.

That is actually very smart. Let the stupid people eat the untested foods first. If they become ill, only the smart will survive.

No, that’s just stupid. One, her daughter is under no obligation to eat her candy at a time of your choosing. Two, the only way anyone can benefit from this threat discovery method is if some of them are “selfish”. If all the children “bear their share of the risk” and find poisoned candy, all the children get poisoned. They don’t get less poisoned just because somebody else got poisoned at the same time.

I quit giving out Halloween candy years ago. But now I don’t know what to do with all these damned razor blades…


I’ve always wondered that myself…

It’s the drug dealers doing it! To get the kids hooked on the drugs!

Everybody knows that the best way to get new clients is to give out products for free, disguised as something else, so nobody knows what they’ve been given or by whom.

I know. I just thought it’d make an interesting argument for herd immunity. :slight_smile:

It’s not qas crazy as that but I will say my dentist now has a candy buyback program.

Snopes pages on tainted Halloween candy.

I’d call that crazy. Couldn’t the dentist just give out free toothbrushes on Halloween, or something? Is candy that bad if your child doesn’t normally eat a lot, and brushes his teeth afterwards?

What does the dentist do with all the candy?

I did know a diabetic kid who went trick-or-treating with her friends, and then her parents let her pick one piece to eat, and after that, gave her a nickel for each piece. I think they added what she brought home to the bucket of what she gave out when she was younger, and there were still kids coming by for a couple of hours after she got home. I don’t know what they did in later years.

Because it’s easier than using critical thinking skills? Because then you don’t get to manipulate and control people? Because it makes them feel superior? That’s just to name a few reasons why.

My mom inspected all of our Halloween candy, too. She’d look through all of it, and any Mounds or Almond Joy she found looked really suspicious, and had to be confiscated.

Yes, my sister and I knew what was going on, but neither of us was all that fond of coconut, so it worked out.

Agreed - I was being somewhat facetious about that (but not about anti-vaxxers).

Sure, if they all eat exactly the same piece of candy, from the same source, at the same time. But that’s extremely unlikely, unless a deliberate effort is made to coordinate candy consumption among all the kids. Easier (and safer for the herd) if you let the kids eat the candy on their own whim, and then report any adverse outcomes to the group.

Oh, pish and pshaw. My Halloween haul had been x-rayed many times when I was a pup, and it didn’t do me any harm. And people hardly comment on the third eye and tail anymore.

I wasn’t aware that cyanide and LSD showed up on x-rays.

Well, you can certainly find out easily enough. Was the cereal dead?