Parenting conflict: How wrong was I?

Was this immediately after the incident or a little later after a cooling-off period for everyone involved. If the former, you should give it another shot. If the latter, you’ve done all you can do.

Last night, so five days after.

Next time just throw water on him. If he asks why you did it, just respond I thought you were on fire.

Besides the fact that your statement is incorrect on the surface, I’m sitting here wondering what you must be angry at to make that statement. Do you know what is driving you to post something like that? I’m curious.

Invite them out for bowling again, exact same scenario. Only this time, let his son run off and get hurt.

Honestly, I’m torn about this. Someone else’s being a jerk doesn’t justify getting up in arms about something as cute as showing a 4-yr. old how to throw a ball. You, the general ‘you’…ok, ‘we’…can’t go through life being annoyed at other people’s problems and point them out in ways that will not help. It doesn’t make you look better, it doesn’t make you better, it doesn’t help the situation.

Helping the kid bowl = awesome. Watching out for an unattended child = basic humanity. Understanding that people make mistakes and it doesn’t mean you’re a genius because you help them out of it = priceless.

And yeah, that sounds really snarky.
I swear I’m trying to find a way of putting it that doesn’t sound snarky but I’m not coming up with one. Don’t take it personally; just pick your battles.

Actually, I think you should apologize to your wife, if you haven’t already. Whatever the guy deserved, it was her party and you made a scene.

This. If you are going to apologize to somebody, take responsibility for your own mistakes. An apology “I did this because you did that” is really just a backhanded way to criticize the other party again, and isn’t a real apology. It’s just replacing one dick move with another.