People in 1905 really did laugh—a timeless photo

You can see the old bath buildings on either side- if they didn’t live near the shore they might have actually rented the bathing costumes for the day from one of these baths or swimming clubs- I’m thinking specifically of the two kids wearing the same embroidered initials.


If it is dude, you flunked! LOL!

This is one of those things that are probably “just me” but I always get a really creepy feeling when I see a slice-of-life photo like this one and then realise that OH GOD EVERYONE IS THAT PHOTO IS DEAD.


Not just you.

I think the guy in the white cap immediately to the left of funny guy must have been very fecund . . . in the sense that I think 80% of white New Jersey males today are descended from him.

I’ve just noticed that the guy standing to the right of the guy in the striped suit and to the left of the woman with the ‘do’ looks quite a bit like me. He has a bigger forehead though. (Actually, it looks like he’s wearing a Frankenstein’s Monster-type appliance.)

Look over funny guy’s right shoulder, and over the left shoulder of the guy behind him. There’s weird small blurry dark head, that is either Sayed from Lost sneaking up on them, or some sort of werewolf.

OK, I’ll say it…funny guy looks like Harry Potter.

Check out the bar of soap in the hand of the guy on the end on our right, their left. He’s like “Can I go bathe in the ocean now?”

I could be wrong, but I think the guy holding the woman’s face might be a young Larry King, only on about his 2nd or 3rd wife.

Does it seem like the Italians are mostly on the left, and the Irish are mostly on the right?

Kind of.

Whenever I see a photo like this, it’s more a feeling of “here’s a picture of some people who lived 100 years ago”, and I wonder about their lives. What would they be like to talk to? How many lived to old age? Have I met any of their descendants? Stuff like that.

But yeah, I’m sorry that they couldn’t have lived forever, too, as silly as that might sound. :slight_smile:

Holy Sopranos, you’re so right!

Well, you’re lucky then - you’re a reasonably good-looking guy, in spite of your too-small forehead. :slight_smile:

If you’d been a big guy with almost-average looks, like the college lineman on the far left, some people (through no real fault of their own, I guess) might find your photo creepy-looking in 100 years.

BTW, I wonder if Fester Roosevelt bought that suit in 1885, and - since it still fits - just can’t bear to part with it, out of style or not?

‘College Lineman’ reminds me of (the cartoon character) Baby Huey.

He looks like Kay Kaiser to me. That’s right, you’re WRONG!

I’ve never been to Atlantic City and know little about it other than “NJ shore beach resort now with casinoes and not too far from NYC”. Does anybody know if the two buildings in the background (left with the minaret like towers and right with the more Gothic look) are still there?

You’re so right it’s intense. Sayed is clearly trapped in the early 1900’s and being “that guy” in probably thousands of old timey photographs.

It’s so weird to think that every person in this photo is dead. This photo is so full of life, some of the people are so vibrant.

Here I figured it was a bar of soap and he was getting his monthly bath in the ocean.

The Time Traveller is the guy, center left, just behind the two young men with the SV shirts. Looks like he’s wearing a modern t-shirt with an actual sewn collar, unlike every other person in the picture.

You know what I think makes this photo ‘modernly accessible’? Aside from the two obvious moustaches on the left, and Teddy Festerdelt on the right (and the two women on the right), the hair isn’t plastered down as it is in most shots of the period.

I do love old photographs, but somehow after I got past the “wow, everyone in this photo is dead, and what were they like to be friends with” and all that, I’m kinda ashamed to admit that I thought, “what a sausage-fest!” I mean, there’s a TON of guys and maybe three girls that seem like they MIGHT be unattached, though of course (1) I could be wrong and (2) they’re all dead now so it really doesn’t matter.

There is obviously some blurring in the photo but of course it wasn’t like very early photography otherwise the blurry parts would have been way worse and more prevalent. I do wonder about the guy on the far right, and his monk-like suit; was that common back then?

Even the KIDS in this photo are very likely dead now. Hell, even if laughing girl in the center had just found out she was carrying vise-grips’ child, THAT child is likely to be dead by now. Wow. Old photos can be depressing.

This kind of discussion makes me wonder what people 100 years in the future will think of YouTube videos.

The younger curly-haired guy to the left of the two mustachioed Italian bros is Kyle Chandler’s grandpa.

Johnny L.A., you’re right. He does resemble you. Maybe you should change your username to Zelig L.A.