People make me sick

Okay, I’ve just done the maths…
…a couple of blank tapes ($3 each), so you may buy 2 or 3 that’s $9, then
… a turn-table $120,
… and some records ($5-$20 each), maybe you need a minimum of 5 or 6 that’s about $100.

… so far I’m up to $229… just to get started…
Interesting, I bought a cello second hand for $100, and found a friend who would give me free lessons, if I bought him lunch, which I did. This put me back over $100 over a 3-4 month period.
I can now play the cello, and it only cost me $200…

Even if I paid $30 for some sheet music to practice on I still come out exactly the same.

Then I learnt the trumpet (now knowing I should have learnt the tuba!!) , of which I loaned the trumpet as part of my $25 a week lesson. So I had 3 months of trumpet lessons for the same amount…$230

To summizeMonkeymule …you’re full of shit. I’m not rich but I have managed to learn 2 instruments without resorting to Hip Hop!!

There are a few jazz tubists, some of whom I came across in the Jazz Connections thread: Red Callender, Bill Barber, Ray Draper, Laymon Jackson, Don Butterfield, Joe Daley, Bob Stewart, and Howard Johnson. Popular enough, I suppose.

Also, the spanish language radio stations feature a lot of music featuring tuba; whether it’s Tejano, Conjunto, or Folklorica, I couldn’t tell you. It’s certainly popular among those who listen to it.

Also, I understand that the tuba was the standard bass instrument in 1920’s style “jazz music” due to the volume of the tuba over the upright bass.


What I meant was that Maeglin said “don’t defend it on the basis that it is some kind of vindication for the poor” etc. My point was that it can and often is a vindication for poor people.
**Mr. B

I do not. It was poorly phrased.

What I really mean was that it can provide a way to get ahead in life which is infintely preferable over the more common route of drugs and gangs. Don’t even try to tell me that this is not the more common situation in the slums and the ghettos. Note that I am not looking down on people in the ghetteo, nor judging them.

The music also provides a release for pent up frustration as well as a way to express onesself creatively.

D’ya still think I’m a worthless bag of shit?:smiley: