People who back into parking spots (lamest pitting ever)

I have the solution to all of your concerns, but first-

I work for an organization that is heavily into traffic safety and has a fleet of several tens of thousands of administrative and maintenance vehicles. SOP is that you back into parking spaces. Why? Because based on their crash history statistics, most accidents have involved backing, with a larg percentage of collidions with other moving vehicles. By backing in,you can leave the space in a forward direction, much more able to see approaching cross traffic.

Now the solution I promised-When in a not-full parking lot that has a double row of spaces perpendicular to and between the internal circulation lanes (typical layout), find an empty space that has another empty space on the other side of the painted line that separates it from the adjacent parking row. Pull into the space, then keep going across the line into the adjacent space in front of that space and park. Then you will be able to exit that space in a forward direction without ever having backed the vehicle. May be difficult if you insist on circling the lot to find a space nearest the building entrance and you don’t find a double-empty pair of rows. Also gets you more execrise than parking nearest to the door.

And /hijack/ if you’re into random acts of kindness, when you leave the vehicle and head for the store, take one of the shopping carts that some inconsiderate shopper has left in the middle of the parking lot, or handicap aisle, or even take one from the cart corral and wheel it into the store.