People who Say the Moon Landing was Faked

Am I allowed to use mothhballed Space Race era type stuff, stuff him in and launch him into the moon and leave him there?

Because that’d totally be my choice.

A really good resource is, where the issue is analyzed in great detail.

Simple, I’d ask him to prove it was faked. Since it wasn’t, he won’t be able to prove it and all his “evidence” will be stupid

This is usually the best way. Get him to provide a little of his evidence, and it will be readily disproven. Then start the mockery. He’ll go away.

If you were NASA, instead of agreeing to each debate request you could do something crazy like put up a website that explains why it couldn’t have been faked. That website could even link to an external website that debunks the conspiracy theories in greater detail.

Have you actually tried this? I believe you are sadly mistaken.

I came across that website while researching pseudoscience some time ago and for some reason I just couldn’t get over the stupidity and time the members there put into these conspiracy theories. There was one guy on there that partially inspired this thread who kept calling “globularism” a religion. Since most people ignored him and he came up with excuses that caused responders to leave in disgust, he kept claiming victory. Can anyone explain why these people are so arrogant? :smack:

here’s a method that nobody else has tried:
Ask the idiot who believes it was all a hoax: Whe did Nasa repeat the hoax 6 times, with each landing was more complicated than the previous one?
If it was a hoax, they would only have done it once. That’s enough to claim the glory.

But no, Apollo kept going back to the moon, over and over again, and each time for longer stays, even taking a car with them. That’s pretty darn complicated, and makes it much more likely that the hoax would be discovered.
You can’t argue the technical side to a fanatic–no matter how much evidence you show him, he’ll just say it’s all faked.
But you can argue based on his personal experiences. Ask him , say, how many times in school he faked his parent’s signature , or changed a grade on his report card.Or ask him how often at work he sneaks out before his shift is over, hoping the boss won’t notice.

Then ask him if it makes sense to keep doing that over and over-- because the more you do it, the more likely you are to get caught.

If the moon landing was a hoax, they wouldn’t have taken the risk of doing it more than once.

And I personally saw Apollo XVII lift off - which would be a hell of a lot of money to spend on the 9th edition of a fake. I think these clowns say we can’t get out of orbit, so that rules out Apollos XIII and X also.

And if that doesn’t work, the right response is

Boot to the head

Once you’ve built the fake moon stage and got the technical side of the production worked out, it’s simple to just do it again. And the designers are going to need to do something between fake moon shots (since the stage is already set up), is it really so hard to design a fake car and put it on the stage? Longer stays? You mean leaving the camera at the fake moon stage turned on a little longer each time?

Why do it again? So that the millions (billions?) of dollars that were allegedly spent on returning to the moon could go to fund anti-Castro forces, to fight the Sandanistas, to line the pockets of politically connected contractors, or into the secret bank accounts of the world-wide evil banking cabal. Or just to send a message to the Russians that if they tried to put nukes on the moon that we were ready to go blow them up at a moment’s notice.

After Bernie Madoff ripped off one investor with fake investments, why did he keep doing it? There was more money to be made and there was the thrill of living dangerously.

Known also as the Double Buzz maneuver. :slight_smile:

I may make fun of fighter jocks, but only in the quiet anonymity of an internet message board. Never to their faces.

“Fighting Words,” I believe it’s called. I used to think that was a creation of Bugs Bunny. Didn’t know it was a license to clock an asshole.

Er, I mean, um, it supported the position that the local constabulary, citing a breach of the peace, could arrest the asshole. And look the other way while you kicked him in the balls, in a “He fell down the stairs,” manner.

A colleague was explaining to me a while back that his lab had to comply with all sorts of government red tape, because they worked with an experiment that flew on a rocket, and by ITAR regulations, anything that flew on a rocket was considered a “munition”, and hence had to be kept away from foreign nationals.

We both agreed that, by that standard, Buzz Aldrin is indeed a munition.

You know, I really am a peaceful person who abhors violence for anything but the last extreme of self-defense.

And yet, whenever I see the video of Buzz punching that moron in the face, I laugh until I can’t breathe. I wonder why that is?


can’t tell if trolling or for real.

going to have to ask you how the laser reflectors got there. did we throw them from earth…?

Because every time you reply to someone who is too mentaly lazy to honestly research things for themselves is a moment of your life wasted in a lost cause and to shut them up so succinctly is a joyous life affirming and lengthening time saver SCSimmons?

another pretty conclusive bit of data is:

our list of debris we left on the moon

coupled with…you know. photos.

in the comments on the Buzz “Doctor Punchmaster” Aldrin video, a hoaxer conceded he’s “now unsure if the moon landings were hoaxed” and cited this.

also: we brought back 841lbs of moon rocks.

but i’m sure they’ll just say the aliens brung 'em when they came.