Perforated nightgown - historically common or UL?

I see your point, but the pantaloons were pretty baggy. The legs would overlap quite a bit until you pulled them out of the way. Many women would also wear a petticoat over that, which was also underwear, and then get to the rest of the clothing.

Actually, prior to the earlier to mid 1800s, women DIDN’T wear underdrawers. I don’t recall the exact dates they came into vogue, however. (I think it was along with the crinoline, when skirts began to be held further away from the body, and you had more of a chill-no big, heavy petticoats keeping you warm!)

There’s something niggling at the back of my mind about this; about Mormons and “angel pants.” The only Google reference I can find now is this - and it seems fairly anti-Mormon. Oh, wait - it’s from Chick Publications!

Mormons do wear special undergarments called, aptly enough, Garments. They represent, IIRC, certain vows the individual has taken. I know one of our LDS members has explained them before.

We do wear garments, but I’ve certainly never heard them referred to that way. :dubious:

No, the usual slang for temple garments is “Jesus Jammies”

I remember reading once about padded rings - that is, cloth rings which were stuffed with…I don’t know, more cloth maybe? Which were placed on the vulva to reduce contact even further, so that less pleasure would be felt. I vaguely recall it was during a time period when orgasm for women was considered dangerous and even impaired fertility. The male would insert his penis through the hole in the ring and then into the vagina. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Although LDS do wear religious “Garments” of unusual length* with ritually-placed openings, I don’t believe any are in the crotch, nor intended for sexual use (I used to see guys in their Garments in the locker room when I played racquetball out in Salt Lake City), and they don’t really fit into thjis discussion.
Besides, LDS couples I knew certainly didn’t have any sorts of hangups about straightforward sex, and had pretty enviable love lives.

  • I understand that, in the old days, the Garments went all the way to the wrists and the ankles, and resembled “long johns”. Nowadays both shirt and pants are more abbreviated, the pants reaching to mid-thigh.

I don’t remember such a scene in One Hundred Years of Solitude, but there is one in the movie version of Like Water for Chocolate.

Sounds familiar to me, but not from human sex. Horse breeders sometimes use a “stallion roll” to protect a mare from injury during live cover. This is a padded cylinder that’s placed near the mare’s vulva in order to provide a little more “distance” when between her and a large or well-endowed stallion. But that’s a horse/safety thing, not a people/weirdness thing.

Snopeshas a story on Orthodox Jews being rumored to have sex through a hole in a sheet (it’s false).