PETA: No guide dogs? No Pets?

The thing I don’t understand about PETA’s equalizing humans and animals is that if we’re all equal, why can animals eat other animals and humans be expected to rise above it? If a lion kills a person, shouldn’t that lion then go to jail? :smack:

It is so telling that she uses a laughably childish, made up word like speciesist. In other words, we freed the blacks, gave women the vote, are outlawing discrimination against gays, now its the animals turn!

This woman watched Bambi too many times. It’d almost be funny if so many people didn’t take her seriously.

What really annoys me is that she is dead wrong in terms of it being unhealthy emotionally to dogs & cats to be owned as pets. It is not inheirently abusive at all, its completely healthy and nurturing. As long as they’re not truely abused dogs like being subservient to humans. Its what they were born to do, support the pack leader. The human/dog bond fits perfectly into their genetic makeup. Cats too, only more as an equal.

If the midget is willing to do the work, and free to refuse to do it if he/she doesn’t want to do it, what would be wrong with it?

And make no mistake about it, guide dogs ARE free to refuse to do the work. Guiding a blind person isn’t a task a dog can be coerced into doing. It requires a great deal of independent initative on the part of the dog, and there’s no way you can use force to make the animal safely perform the task. Guide dogs actually have to enjoy their work if they’re to be reliable enough to entrust a blind person’s safety to. The relationship between a blind person and his/her guide dog is the very opposite of abusive.

The people running PETA are nuts.

This thread has given me a mental picture of John Bryant (whom I’ve never heard of before, BTW), staggering around mad-scientist style, rubbing his hands together and cackling, “Your pathetic version of the cat must cease to exist… Ha ha ha ha…”

The whole thing is a fine example of what happens when people take a good idea (it is surely a good idea to treat all living creatures with respect) and take it too damned far. Try a little moderation people!

Of course, what do I know – I have two purebred human children and one more-or-less purebred fox terrier.

So, are we to turn our pets, zoo animals, farm animals, etc. loose to fend for themselves as best they can?

Maybe PETA will embark on getting govrnment (Our IRS Taxes) money to provide a food for “Free Animals” subsistence program which they can administer.

Free the animals, never mind the conseuences!

As someone who has a sister that uses a seeing eye dog and having spent a little bit of time around SAR, corpse, and rescue dogs, I have to say that PETA is comprised of some pretty stupid people.

I had never seen a dog so happy as when a SAR dog succeeded in locating a victim.