Philadelphia Requires a "Business Privilege License" For Bloggers

Does updating one’s Facebook status count as blogging? This sounds truly foul.

Do you make money off your Facebook status?

In our area, it does. You have to buy a permit to hold the sale. The cost is nominal, but the cops can shut you down if you don’t have one.

Same here – if want to hold a yard sale, it’ll cost you five bucks.

The money isn’t the point of that, it’s that you can only get a yard sale licence three time each year. It was enacted to put the kibosh of people who were holding a “yard sale” of new, unopened goods every single weekend.

Please reread the last line of that link. An activity can lose money five years out of five and still be a business.

Even so, losses from a hobby are generally not deductible. Revenues from a hobby generally are taxable.

My opinion of Philly’s business privilege tax is something best put in the Pit.