Pilots don't say "Roger Wilco," arggh

And ‘conversate’ pulls up 173,000 hits.

“Irregardless” pulls up 608,000.

Was he ever partnered with a guy named Captain Oveur?

described in the original article, which this thread discusses.

I was in the airport on Sunday & thought of this thread when I heard one of the gate personnel on a radio say “Roger, Wilco, & Out!” :smack:

Also, the title of that page (as in <title>) is completely wrong.

“Roger Wilco redundant” returns 11,400 hits…

Given Johnny Depp’s latest film, did anyone else read the thread title as “Pirates don’t say ‘Roger Wilco,’ arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh”?

I got nothin’

I guess I’m being dense, but what’s wrong about it? The title of the page is << Why do pilots say “roger” on the radio? >> … so, why is that wrong?

The title in the title bar… or if you look at the source of that page:


<meta name="description" content="Straight Dope Staff Report: eeeeeeee">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
<meta name="keywords" content="sdmailbag">
<title>Straight Dope Staff Report: What's the origin of the movie director's pseudonym Alan Smithee?</title>

see what I mean yet?

Ah, thanks. OK, we’ll get 'er fixed, thanks for catching it.

And “loose weight” as a phrase pulls up 963,000. Augh.
