Pitting the Republican Convention goes here

Son-of-a-bitch Hastert. Mouthing off about how New York begged for money after 9/11. Oh, now what’s he calculating? To keep the midwest happy with him by pissing off the seaboard? Yes, the Pentagon was hit, we know that. But DC didn’t lose the entire business district for months, and didn’t have the massive police need NY did for that reason. You know why we didn’t get that money, you filthy little waste of spunk? Because your lord and master Cheney stole it to finance his Iraq war. That’s where it went.

And an extra kick in the pants for Cheney’s meandering towards moderation. I’ve heard you before on the subject of gay marriage. Last I heard, even with your daughter, you were against it. DOMA, you little prick? Where were you when your puppet was nattering about the amendment? I’m hearing the fundies are trying like hell to make it a party plank, for land’s sake.

Ugh. Politics and sausage. I think I need caffeine. And to stop listening to the news on the way into the job.

More Bullshit.



$20 bucks says you won’t hear one pip about a terror alert all next week.

Seems that Donnie McClurkin, who will entertain the delegates, believes simultaneously that homosexuality is a choice, and that the way that guys become homos is by being raped during childhood. Plus he thinks gays are out to “kill our children.”

Charming guy, huh? And the Pubbies were getting all agitated about Whoopi Goldberg.

Yeah, funny how things are suddenly quiet about those NY-area financial institutions that, less than 4 weeks ago, they had to let everyone know right now that they were threatened, despite the evidence being 3 years old. And funny how that was right after Kerry had given a very good (for him) acceptance speech.

Bet nothing like that happens next week, unless Bush tanks. Which is quite possible.

No bet.

Was in midtown today. The city was empty! I could get a seat at Times Square on the 1&9 and on the 6 at Grand Central. I could see feet of ground on Broadway near 7th.

Also got a ‘protest schedule’ flier. Which directed me to www.rncnotwelcome.com and www.counterconvention.com/phpcalendar/month.php as places to check for protests. Important safety tip, people. If you’re not protesting… don’t be there. Anyhow… how exactly is this going to make money for the city, anyhow?

A note: Decided to check websites out. They were both in error on the pamphlet.



Ten minutes into the convention and what do we have so far? The gospel Gatlin brothers singing the National Anthem. The Boy Scouts (yes, the Pubbies want to make sure everyone knows that the Republican party really is Anti-gay). A Mormon leading the convention in prayer and making sure that the Pubbies are praying to Jesus Christ.

Can’t wait for Falwell.

Was in the city during the protest yesterday, man it was real cool. Was up at MSG, the fucking place is like a fortress. What morans, they should have their stupid little get together somewhere where it won’t fuck up half the city.

It occured to me this morning that I hadn’t heard anything about George H.W. Bush being scheduled to speak. A quick check of the C-SPAN sked shows no sign of him among the headliners.

Is he speaking at all? If not, is there a good reason for it? Makes me wonder if there might actually be something to Maureen Dowd’s Oedipal psychobabble. Has Poppy been benched?