Please explain the Chernobyl disaster?

I didn’t realize this thread had been bumped.

And just to be clear on my own opinion about nukes.
I’m slightly in favor, and more research is needed. I grew up aprox. 10 miles from a double reactor. After Three Mile Island we got packs of Iodine tablets and a receiver box with an alarm sent to our house, since we were considered (among thousands others) to be in the immediate risk zone. When Sweden held a referendum in 1980 about continuation of nuclear power, I voted Yes. I think the risks and panic are greatly exaggerated.

However, I do not think that nukes are going to be a viable option to a fossil free world in the short term. In fact, I wrote a rather lengthy post about it some time ago some of what I wrote there is repeated here.

In 2006 BBC aired an episode of Horizon - their prestigious popular science documentary - called Nuclear Nightmares. It was an epiphany to me. It says - among a lot of other really interesting stuff - that radiophobia is doing a lot more harm than radiation it self. And from my understanding, the HBO show played heavily into that radiophobia.

I actually found the episode online. It’s about 50 minutes long and well worth watching.