Please help! I am beyond terrified. There is a mouse in my apt.

If you bring in the neighbor’s cat, won’t it hurt itself on the mouse traps?

Wish I could loan you my dog. I have a brussels griffon, they were bred as “ratters” and he has brought me several “gifts” throughout the years. (One my daughter’s hamster which was a bit sad, especially for the hamster).

So if you aren’t a cat lover, get a dog. Affenpinschers are also great for this.

I agree though that you may have more than one house guest. I don’t know if one little mouse would be making so much noise.

I don’t like cats, but I may very well need one. I am completely hysterical about bugs and mice, it’s true. I didn’t even realize how batshit I was over mice until last night, as I’ve never had to deal with one in my home until now. Okay, traps are set and laid out. Now need to bug landlord.

NOT clicking on any YouTube videos featuring mice doing creepy shit.

I’ve got the enclosed kind that a cat could not fit into unless it were very, very tiny.

We discovered last night that my 12 year old cat is a terrific mouse-catcher (I suspect she’s also a mouse-bringer-into-the-houser, too, but that’s not important right now). Since I also suspect that she peed on the kitchen floor for no good reason, you can have her if you come and get her. :slight_smile:

Are you against poison? I don’t want to see dead mice. Or live mice. But I guess if you use the poison where it makes them all thirsty, there’s the risk they die in your walls…mmm…smells like home!

I want a tiny cat.


  1. Go to store, buy glue pads for mice.
  2. Put newspaper down.
  3. Put nuts or cheese in middle of glue pad.
  4. Place glue pad atop newspaper.
  5. Move out for a day or so.
  6. Ask/Pay someone unafraid of mice to go in and see if mice is stuck on pad. Let them deal with the results.

I don’t - my cats are underfoot all the time as it is, and if they were tiny, I’d have killed them by now.

So we know you’re not mean, are you old and a lady? :slight_smile:

Methinks a name change may be in order.

Last year I was out at a friend’s ranch, a house on a hill surrounded by miles of wilds. It was made of raw wood for the most part and had that wonderful earthy smell. The beds were natural too, cedar posts and slats. Sometime that first evening after I’d drifted off I was awakened by a sound. I’d never heard that particular sound before but there was absolutely no mistaking what it was. There’s only one thing that could have sounded like that noise that came mere inches from my head. It was the sound of a mouse walking along the cedar bed headrail, losing it’s balance and scratching to regain control as it fell off one side.

Since I was laying on my back, face to the ceiling and the mouse hadn’t landed on my face, I assumed it fell off the back side. Since it had already fallen, there really wasn’t much cause for me to spring to my feet, scream and become invested in a search that might have ended with bullet holes in my friend’s cabin. And since I lay there hearing the sound in my mind over and over again and listening for it’s repeat I ended up not getting much more sleep anyway.

So the next morn’ we set a snap trap up along the loft and retreated to the living room to watch Sunday football. Most of the time the TV sound was up or we were talking or carrying on some such way but by some weird coincidence the one time there was a lull in the action and things briefly fell quiet, off in the far distance we all heard the unmistakable sound of a tiny little “snap”. Goodbye mouse in the house.

My favorite mice are the small round nearly-spherical kind. When they are running about, they look like a little tumbling dust bunny. So cute, squeeee!

It was especially funny because my cat would just ignore them. “There! Right there! Mouse, get it! It’s sniffing your tail for gods sake, get it!”

Cats is weird.

Hey, even mean people are afraid of things!

So now I’m torn between hiding in my bedroom forever and going out to compulsively check the traps every 6 minutes.

Two words - closed circuit cameras.

Don’t go *every *six minutes. Change it up from time to time. Otherwise, they’ll learn your habits and use them against you.

Three words:
Can’t count.

Closed-circuit should be hyphenated, resulting in one word.

OK, I got nothin’.

[Mice]The door should open in 3,2,1…NOW. Everyone into the bedroom hut hut hut[/mice]

Oh god, you’re right! They’ll exploit my weaknesses and this war will never end!

Maybe I’ll head out again. The Ace Hardware I went to didn’t have the traps Joey suggested, so maybe I can go to a different one 20 min away. The 45ish minutes out of this apt and some fresh air might do me good.

I am subscribing to this thread solely because I want to read “The Ballad of MOL’s Triumph,” which I expect will be composed and performed sometime today.

Me too. MOL should be back any minute now with those new traps, which I assume will include plutonium. You’re going down Mr. Squeakers!