Please help me solve this Rebus.


I just spoke to the owner of the store. No, I’m not kidding. He filled me in on the details of the situations. I asked permission to summarize our conversation and he was cool with it.

  1. The Rebus has been removed from outside the store. The previous owner(who was the artist Jack Jensen) liked it, but the current owners had it taken down.

  2. The Rebus was a work of art created by Jack Jensen, a local Colorado artist.

  3. It has no answer. Yes, the owner is sure that there is no answer. We spoke for about 5-10 minutes just on this aspect and I’ll do my best to explain. When Jack Jensen initially created the rebus, he put it outside the store. People asked him for hints, but he refused. Because he owned it, the store is filled with his artwork. However, it ended up going outside the store and was there for awhile. They took it down 11 months ago.

They asked Jensen about the puzzle a lot, but he insisted he wouldn’t talk about a solution. They asked him if there was one, and he eventually told them, “No. I made it to fuck with people.”

According to the owner, he sounded genuine about there being no solution. Jensen has moved on since then and like I said, they took the Rebus down from outside the store.

  1. The owner was aware people are discussing it on the internet, but Jack Jensen is not a big internet fan(though he has a website…) and probably is not aware we are discussing it. However, they are aware at the Mutiny Now coffee shop, where the artwork was for years.