This also happens in the rural areas here, and as a result there are people all over the place called Stalin and Lenin as well as Hitler, and for all I know Pol Pot and Osama bin Laden might crop up here and there as well.
This case is different: this lawyer and another, younger man whose name I’ve seen in the papers as well are from the urban, better educated sectors of society, who can’t have not known what they were doing.
Similarly, many old lefties have named their kids Lenin, Stalin, Engels and the incomparable ‘Sovietski’. Even if most people are not offended by this, it’s difficult to take people with these names seriously. Can’t they or their parents see that going out in the wider world with a name like that is a fucking liability?
Comically enough this lawyer’s brother is named Mussolini. Which leaves little doubt about what was inspiring their parents.
No, I don’t live in that kind of neighbourhood. I’ve never come across anyone with that surname in the DR, except for one TV sports presenter. The Trujillos are all in exile, or long dead.
I used to work with a person whose surname was Trujillo, and she came from another Latin American country. She had to come and work with colleagues in the DR and I heard a couple of hostile comments from people, based on her surname, even though I’m pretty sure there was no connection with the DR Trujillos.
Anyway, happening to have the same surname, especially a common surname, is not comparable to having actively chosen a name that will inevitably upset or offend some, if not all, people. It certainly strikes a raw nerve with me. As you may have noticed.
Call it prejudiced or petty, but I would not want him to be my lawyer.
Or my driving teacher, for that matter. In the city of Santiago there is a driving school called ‘Escuela de choferes Hitler’.
I can sort of see the funny side, but it still pisses me off.