Plot holes in reality

It’s the stuff of fiction – Mark Twain used it in “Connecticut Yankee” and H. Rider Haggard in “King Solomon’s Mines”, and so did a lot of other people. How could anyone expect such a hokey routine to work I real life?

It happened one other time – Tenskwatawa, The Shawnee Prophet used a predicted eclipse to gather support in 1806. Who would believe that an Indian would use such an example of the supposed superiority of European science? It’s obviously bad plotting.

The fact that a plant that grows in pretty much all soils and climates, and has known medicinal and industrial uses dating back thousands of years, is illegal in the vast majority of jurisdictions in the world.

The fact that women (and men) selling themselves for sex, which has gone on for probably as long as H. Sapiens first climbed down from the trees, is illegal in the vast majority of jurisdictions in the world.

The first African-American President . . . and he’s not assassinated by some crazed white supremacist.

Uh, it did. Tom Clancy wrote Debt of Honor in 1994.

It’s very difficult to get there.

The main road leading into the town has been blocked off and traffic is diverted around where it used to be. You really have to watch for the signs leading to it or carry a map with you (it was, surprisingly, not on GPS at the time) There are also signs warning people about trespassing and that you’ll face arrest if you do so.

When I was working in New Jersey 5 years ago, I drove over to see it. While I got some good pics, I also got ran off by a state trooper as they have problems with people trying to loot items and with trespassing.

Nixon wasn’t impeached. You may want to watch that episode again.

That is right. Clinton was impeached for trying to cover up that he had received multiple blowjobs, not for receiving just one. Big difference. :rolleyes:

Um… there’s only one other egg laying species found in Australia, and it’s also found in New Guinea, which has another 3 endemic egg laying species as well.

Aussie wildlife does have plenty of other plot holes though- so it has the majority of the world’s marsupials, and not one of them lives in water? Did someone forget about that major habitat while cobbling them all together in a hurry or something?

They remembered 'em in South America

The government shutdown of 2013.

Pretty much happened to Magellan.

Or more like the legal definition of third base vs. going all the way. (Which is what started it.)

There was also disagreement about whether or not the rookie was eligible to play in the majors.

Yet. Nugent’s still out there.

He was impeached for lying to Congress. If the dumbass had either 'fessed up or declined to answer, there would have been no impeachment.

“Magellan sailed all the way around the world, and told everyone how he had been killed in the Phillipines.”

You’d be pretty pissed off if you were one of the guys on the ship that did make it all the way round the world, and then you look in the record books and see some dead dude who barely made it halfway take all the credit.

“Yes, very interesting, Señor Elcano. Now tell me, did Magellan find any potatoes?”

I think the crazed white supremacists have given up trying to “reform” the system and are now waiting for it to die.

Strike the words “to Congress,” and replace them with “under oath, both to a grand jury and in a deposition,” and you’re in better factual shape.

There were four Articles of Impeachment voted in against President Clinton:

[li]Perjury before the federal grand jury [/li][li]Perjury in the Jones deposition[/li][li]Obstruction of justice[/li][li]Generic “Abuse of power”[/li][/ul]

it’s true that one specification of the ‘abuse of power’ item was making false statements to Congress – but that was listed alongside false and misleading statements deceiving the people of the United States, false and misleading statements to members of the Cabinet and White House aides, and the frivolous assertion of executive privilege. In short, whatever lies he delivered to Congress were small potatoes in the impeachment stew.

Drives ME crazy!

In the 50s and 60s we thrilled at the videophones in science fiction, esp cartoons. Now we can have videophoning in a number of ways yet we prefer to type back and forth with one another using our thumbs.

I have a theory about this: Many people like the fact that phone calls are somewhat impersonal, and texting/e-mail very much so. I think that most people really don’t want a form of long-distance communication that allows for face-to-face meetings. This is videophones, Skype and similar services are still niche products.