Policy on witnessing

Without knowing more, I couldn’t comment. And while I will comment in general on legal topics, and perhaps a bit more specifically on things that affect the board (like the censorship allegations, or the copyright argument), I’m not going to start dealing in specific cases here. (My employer frowns on my working for free! And for anyone other than it!) At any rate, I think your friend should contact a local lawyer and find out what his rights are.

-Melin, Esq.

I feel this policy is an absolute outrage on the part of the Stright Dope! This new policy restricts the reader’s right to Freedom of Worship! I feel every American has the freedom to worship . . .


This old board reg thinks it is purdy damn funny too.

Isn’t it amazing how some people think they know something when in fact they are so wrong it is hilarious?


::::still laughing:::


He who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok. - Confucius

Is this a charming debate, or what? I think Ed will be pleased to know he has now become “Mr. Zotti.”

I’m gonna witness! I’m gonna witness! and I’m gonna do it HERE!

OK – I saw him! I saw Colonel Mustard…carrying a candlestick… sneaking from the Study to the Library. I saw him! I saw him with my own eyes!

…when do I get to say the part about tooth, whole tooth, and nothin butt the tooth?

…can I object, yer Honour, incompetent, irrevelant, immaterial (Raymond Burr always said that as Perry Mason, I allus wanted to say it.)

Thanks, Melin. I’d like to think that the GSMOL (a mobile home owners organization in California) will give the park management what it deserves. (Since the matter may BE before a court right now, I will not give the park’s name). Since the neighbor was evicted Ihaved pegged the management as insufferably “whitebread” as Frank Burns of MAS*H, and accordingly, I avoid them. They had even given me a birthday present in June–two free AMC movie tickets–which I gave away because I won’t go to movies :stuck_out_tongue: and because it seems like a bribe. :()

Excuse me-- “I have pegged.” and the colon-and-P mark was meant to signify a “smiley face” sticking out its tongue in disgust, since that’s what I think about movies.)

what a nice pit! I had to look up “proselytize” and I promise to do my best to never proselyte myself on this board…

Unless of course, mugs or t-shirts are given away…

Oh nevermind



Oh my god! When my local paper published my letter to the editor, they didn’t put it in the comics page like I wanted! They said it had to go in the “Letters to the Editors” section! That’s censorship! I’m gonna sue!
Quaddell had itr closest.

We are not talking about free speech here, but free press. We all exist on this board at the sufferage of it’s editors. I for one have gravitated towards this forum BECAUSE of its management. Even the moderators I take issue with treat me with decorum. Example: My first post on nitrates in beer nickrz directed us to a relevent post. My second post (An off topic reference)nickrz simly challenged me to back my statement. It concerned a bogart reference I still assert to be correct about. But I digress, fact is this forum remains unconaminated by stupidity (if you forgive the “loverock” unpleasantness) and I will remain a free speaker in a free forum until it becomes something else.

Just for the record, I DO NOT own a “RenFair”
costume as Dex suggests.

I do! I model it on my pic on the Teeming Millions Home Page, for anyone who’s interested! <g>

-M’lady Melin

This has piqued MY interest, Melin; I visited the Teeming Millions Home Page briefly, but I don’t know how to navigate on it and didn’t see anything with your name or UserName on it. Can you please leave something on this message board to tell how to get there and what to look for there? Thanks very much. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:



Damn! Forgot the slash mark!


There, that oughta do it.


Thanks, Melin. I saw it. you’re quite sexy. :slight_smile:

Woo hoo! Thank you! ::blushing::


Anyone think Stoidela is really Rhyannan?

She’s probably not reading the thread anymore, but if she is, here’s a personal message:

Stoidela, write these words on the doorposts of your house, and wear them before your eyes: “MELIN IS RIGHT.” Speak them when you lie down and when you rise up.

And because Melin probably assumed you can add two and two, she didn’t give specific examples of laws that exist to keep people from bothering one another, but I’ll give you some examples, because I’m running early, and don’t have to leave for work for a half an hour.

Noise ordinances
Laws against pissing on the sidewalk
Laws against public drunkenness
Litter laws
Laws against skateboarding and biking on city sidewalks
Public indecency laws
The law that says I have to pick up the crap if my dog takes a dump in the city

And though Melin is quite right that the SDMB is not a branch of the government, and doesn’t have to assure you free speech, don’t forget anyway that the preamble to the Constitution says it will “ensure domestic tranquility, [and] promote the general welfare…”

And if telling Adam to keep it where we can find it if we want it doesn’t “promote the general welfare,” then I don’t know what does.

Gotta love the Pit