Poll: Should Canada annex the Turks and Caicos Islands?

I was going to post about the issue of First Nations in Canada, but I suspect it would create a horrible hijack. If you’d like to start the thread, perhaps we could discuss it.

That’s what SHE said!

A warm hole that requires money. :wink:

Make sure the health coverage is already in place…I’m predicting a big increase in skin cancer among Canadians.

It is a warm, moist money hole…

…now my thoughts are, once again, both confusing and arousing. Thanks, Internet!

American here.

I voted yes. I think Canada should take over the Turks and caicos islands because the more like imperialist aggressors they appear, the more like normal norteamericanos we appear.

Also, it would give us a good excuse for going to war with them again.

Canadian here - voted no.

While there have been some murmurings from both Canada and the islands about this it’s basically a bad idea.There’s no way the Canadian government wants to patrol a territorial boundary inches away from Haiti and Jamaica - stupid rumblings of a deep water port and western hemisphere security aside.

How would they feel about relocating to a sunny destination? Hey, at least they’d have clean water.

Canadian - Yes

Our National Banks already have a significant presence there, why not “annex” the country so we can Tax 'em there too!

You Canuuks can have those islands so long as you take Detroit.


I know it’s a silly idea, but I like it anyway. I’m sure there would initially be a lot of money spent setting up our social services and health systems down there, but it could be an awesome tourist destination, both for Canadians and those who’d like to travel to an island where everyone is fed and clothed and there’s a stable government.

And I could live in the Caribbean and still be in Canada!

If they had Canadian style medicare, I could move there for the winter. Ah joy. As it is I would move back to the US, if they had Canadian style medicare.

We had Detroit. You guys made us give it up. So now you’re stuck with it.

Heh. Dudley Dooright in Speedos.

I voted yes. I like visiting Caribbean islands with stable governments.

big yes, but only if they insist on some mechanism to ensure private ownership of all beachland on the island. no need for it to become some whorehouse Caribbean paradise for only the wealthy in Canada.

That was a mistake. We were young and foolish.

Surely you can forgive us and take it back…for the southern, nice warm islands? We would support you…but we have to get something out of the deal :slight_smile:

Put Alaska on the table and we’ll talk. :slight_smile:

I just realized if Canada annexed the Turks and Caicos (either as a province or a territory) then all Canadian federal laws would apply to the islands, right? Including the Civil Marriage Act? Just imagine a warm, tropical, destination where North American gays and lesbians can elope to for a destination wedding/honeymoon. :cool: It would be the only place in the entire hemisphere to offer that.

I’m still trying to figure out what’s in it for me as a Canadian.

Winter vacations that you don’t need to get foreign currency, extra healthcare insurance, or to go through customs for (if the annexation went through as I imagine it).

Would that include Sarah Palin?