Pornography Addiction: fact or myth?

No, he was harder when he was younger…

Not only is your addiction to fig newtons dangerous to you and society, it is an offense to GOD!

I have mentioned that I TA a human sex class in medical school. One of our hours of lecture is on sex addiction. It has been debated whether sex addiction as a true entity actually exists. From the hour of lecture, which included videotape of sex addicts in therapy, I was firmly convinced that it does. One of the guys who was on the tape told the story of how he moved from the Midwest to California in order to work in the sex industry. His job consisted of letting people watch him masturbate for 9 hours every day. After this, he went out for another 9 hours every night looking for casual sex. After 18 hours, he used to masturbate himself to sleep thinking of his day.

A recent study showed up to 8% of Internet users addicted to porn. Their definition was >11 hours/week spent on porn sites. This means around 4.5 million people are addicted to Internet porn…

Here is a CNN/WebMD story on this.

> The “pornaholic” may end up valuing porn over an interpersonal relationship.

You say that like it’s something bad. :wink:

On that last post, 9 hours a day? I’m sore just reading that. How do they get a figure like 8% of users addicted? That seems awfully precise.

9 hours a day? That guy must have HUGE arms. (Well, at least one of them.) I have no difficulty with the idea that someone can be fixated on porn in the same way that some people are fixated on shoes. (Wasn’t it Marla Maples’ personal assistant that was caught stealing her shoes?) Does this constitute addiction? What differentiates addiction with fixation or obsession? Either way, it could lead to interesting news blurbs:

“Sex Addicts Discuss Withdrawal Symptoms, film at 11:00”

I have a fairly lengthy dissertation on it here I put years of research into, but I can’t retype it all now 'cause I need to go over to before I explode.
Seriously, I see no reason why you can’t be addicted to porn. I know people who are addicted to Everquest.

An interesting comparison would be to gambling, which is its own sordid and ugly story. Gambling addiction absolutely IS real, and it’s a growing problem as the object of the addiction becomes more accesible. If you can be addicted to gambling, why not porn?