Predictions for the future of the GOP?

That’s true. I think the problem is the demographic shift. We should start subsidising abortions for minorities and deporting legal immigrants.

That’s true. We ought to limit government’s involvement in wealth creation: dismantle public education so that capital can dispose of labour more effectively and allow industrialists to hire mercenaries to enforce contracts. Otherwise government is just giving handouts.

Krauthammer’s column is out. He’s suggesting amnesty.

Washington Post

Buchanan thinks it’s hopeless.

Human Events

Ann Coulter is actually surprisingly reasonable this week in her column which is just out. She makes the case against the abortion wackos.


I’m not going to bother to respond to this insane nonsense, except to point out that it is insane and it is nonsense.

Do you think comments like this add value to the thread? To the board?

My hopes of any real thought or change from the GOP are already being squashed. Blaming the loss on Sandy (i.e. “It wasn’t our fault”), minorities vote Democratic because they’re lazy and want free stuff, Romney wasn’t conservative enough, “Everything is on the table for the fiscal debate” means “We’ll never, ever agree to raise taxes but we’re happy to discuss slashing Medicare”, etc.

Remember when Obama trounced McCain and the GOP was “soul searching” and gave us Michael Steele who was going to focus on Republican outreach to African-Americans? Yeah, that lasted a whole day.

I think that the DC insider establishment GOP will try harder to tamp down the extreme pro-life anti-abortion rhetoric, and brand it as a states right issue, i.e. intent to nominate Justices to overturn Roe v Wade and leave it up to individual states. They have some loose cannons in the party, so it won’t be easy. I believe that the 2012 GOP primaries were exceptionally harmful to the party with the anti-contraception rhetoric (and not just as it relates to Obamacare and the proposed Blunt Amendment), stances of no exceptions on outlawing abortions, and proposals of personhood amendments.

As we already are observing this week, there will continue to be a push for moderation on immigration reform.

Perhaps, the GOP House will be slightly more cooperative instead of purely hostile to any legislation beyond Obamacare repeal, ending environmental regulations, abortion restriction bills, and naming post offices.

So in other words; Never.

I think they’ll find that people aren’t quite that stupid.

While it is annoying, not at all funny, and functions as trolling (s)he is following through on this post from the “Put your money where your mouth is!” thread.

I’m wondering how long until it crosses some mod line. I hope soon. But not my job.

I’m not at all confident that there is an effective DC Insider Establishment any more. We already know the Crazies are vowing to renew their crusade to purge the party of RINO’s. These fanatics are not into the politics of compromise, or indeed - rationality. And they have massively infected the party.

In all fairness…

a) Mitt Romney wasn’t a right-wing extremist. He learned how to play one on television, yeah. Gotta win those primaries.

b) A charismatic and principled Republican politician with Mitt Romney’s (original, gov-of-Massachusetts era) politics could win in this country.


c) The future of the GOP may be a function of who comes along to lead them in a direction that yields electoral victories. Their problem this year was that Mitt Romney wasn’t at all inspiring and, lacking charisma and vision, did not so much drag the party in his own direction as let the party drag him.

Doghouse Riley:

You’re right: giving free stuff to the rich is VERY different from giving free stuff to the masses.

As the ‘47%’ tape showed, he did a damned good job of playing one when he didn’t think he was on TV, when it was just him and his fellow multimillionaires.

I think that was the real Romney.

The attitude among the super-rich seems to increasingly be one of “we’re the people who make this country run, and you should stop taxing us, stop regulating what we do, and bow down to us on those rare occasions when you commoners are in the same room with us.” Why should Romney be any different?

Oh thank heavens. I thought it was just me - I kept reading gamerunknown’s posts and thinking “I don’t remember this poster being quite so insane before…”

But yeah, if it reaches “quarry” proportions I think an intervention of some sort will be required.

Kevin Drum:

I can’t improve on that.

I agree. Although I enjoy football and will be going to a game at Gillette later this year, I don’t expect the government to pay to subsidize this. If I have to pay for for my tickets that’s fine with me.

We call those Democrats now.

As presently constituted no such ‘principled’ and sane candidate can get through the primaries. They have to pander to Crazy Principles and even if their fingers were crossed when they said it they have to keep pandering to mobilise ‘The Base’.

The Base is the problem. They have to be discarded and a new ‘Base’ constructed.

Besides - as others have said - Romney might not have been a Crazy but he was just another Looter Capitalist whose vision was what was good for him and his friends was what counted. The rest of the moochers could go swivel.

It is hard to build a new, non-crazy base on Crazy Economics even if the social crazies have been silenced.

The republicans need to re-enter the real world where AGW is real, where voodoo economics is voodoo economics, where taxation is not a dirty word and where political opponents are not The Devil.

I have no problem with the giant wall as long as it’s on the eastern, northern and western borders of Texas with giant walls connecting to, and surrounding Arizona.

That’s not quite right-wing extremism though, that’s old school classism. Sadly I know a few fairly liberal-voting folks that share similar views, it’s just that they take a more paternalistic attitude to those they culturally disdain. Though I’m sure Romney is well to the right of me, I suspect he’s not living in right-wing-cloud-cuckoo-land with the likes of Michele Bachmann.

Sandy caused the GOP to lose? Huh!? The storm somehow swept all Republican voters out of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey? No, it was millions of communist infiltrators (only Allen West can see them, he doesn’t even need special glasses)

The GOP will experience a splendid rebirth, replete with loyalty oaths, secret handshakes, decoder rings, etc. Only the most hardline loonies will receive the party blessing.

That’s OK, we’re helping pay for your spectator experience in other ways. It’s not just the stadium.