Present evidence for the existence of your deity

How about providing some cites for your claims, or should I take your suggestive errors at face value? Of course, this is the problem when I have to take on a dozen people attacking me from different angles. I have to suddenly be an expert in science, geology, and now geneologies. Otherwise, you insult my intelligence.
Christian apologists certainly have not run away from any of your challenges.
From a quick google search:
From wikipedia:

Several theories have been advanced to explain the divergence of the two gospel genealogies, most notably:

That Joseph had two fathers—one natural and one legal—as a result of a levirate marriage involving uterine brothers.
Legal inheritance.
That Luke’s genealogy is actually through Mary rather than her husband Joseph.
That Matthew’s genealogy is actually through Mary rather than her husband Joseph.
That one or both of the genealogies are invented.

Frankly, I’m more amazed at the numerous Messianic prophecies in the OT that came completely true with the life and death of Jesus Christ.