Presents After Childbirth

I can remember hearing (about 20 years ago) about a woman who expected a tennis bracelet after her first child was born, and that this was something of a tradition in her circle: Some very nice bauble from husband to wife after a baby is born. Don’t know how widespread it was then, but it’s another example of how this isn’t new–and not necessarily a product of advertising.

Confession of stupid wanting follows: All I really wanted after my son was born was for some flowers or a plant to arrive in one of those ridiculous, impractical, specific vases for “new arrival” events–you know, shaped like a duck or a baby shoe. I don’t know why; I guess because it was just so specific and it was the one time in my life it would apply to me! I didn’t get that wish–friends brought me flowers but in a normal container.

I still kind of pine for one. Not enough to have another baby, though.