Prickly City Weighs in on "Happy Holidays"

No. This is the seasonal equivalent of the mainstream (conservative) media’s “OMG PRETTY WHITE GIRL MISSING OUTRAGE!!!” non-news stoy – just inflammatory enough to fill up the news hour and not trouble you with reports of indicted Congresscritters and Presidential screwups.

Thank goodness it’s not a Dem in office right now, or else we’d be bombarded with “CLINTON/GORE/KERRY LEADS ANTI-GOD ASSAULT ON CHRISTMAS OMG!!!” headlines.

It’s neither exclusively the right nor fundaloonies who are carrying this torch, though. A good number of my friends are in the “Just say Merry Christmas” camp. And they are all very much to the left and nominally Christian.

I used to read Prickly City because it was run in my local free newspaper directly below Doonesbury, presumably as balance. The difference in quality really showed. Doonesbury is generally witty and well-drawn, while Prickly City is unfunny and poorly drawn. It’s supposed to be set in the desert, but I think that’s just a reason to avoid having to draw the background.

I find Prickly City funny on enough days to keep on reading it. Lord knows the comics are full of stuff that hasn’t been funny in many years, if ever.

Doonesbury…well, there’s a whole 'nother discussion, especially if we’re going to talk about how witty it is or isn’t nowadays. But Prickly City is better drawn than the early Doonesbury strips - trust me on this. And those early Doonesburies were devastatingly funny. Good drawing is a plus, but the humorous insight is the essential.

As long as we’re bouncing sorta-kinda political strips out there, I’ll throw out a reference to Non Sequiter. It’s not as overtly topical as Doonesbury, and does go for general-level humor much of the time. But when the strip goes after current events, the insight (and humor) tends to be razor-sharp.

I find the one thing interesting about Prickley City is that conservatives are portrayed as a human, while the Liberals are represented by an animal…Perhaps a Fox? Some one once said that we find it easier to dislike someone when we dehumanize them…just wondering.


Well, as you probably guessed, that’s not exclusively a Georgian problem. My local paper (St.Catharines Standard) has plenty of letters to the editor with the same problem. It was amusing the first few days they started appearing, but now it’s just getting scary.

Do Christians really believe they are under attack and being oppressed? Is there is an anti-Christian conspiracy against them? Who is leading this conspiracy?

The majority of the US Government is Christian, and so is something like 80% of the populous.

Does anyone else find this rather confusing? :frowning:

The Christianer-than-thou folks feel conspired against by the “weak” Christians having so much greater numbers, and by the non-Christians being catered to at all.

Bill O’Reilly and Pat Robertson both say so. How can it possibly be false?

Seriously. Christian commentators, politicians, televangelists and journalists have flogged the “liberal atheists are oppressing Christians” myth year after year after year, making it more intense and louder every time. After hearing enough of such nonsense, people tend to assume that it must be true. Of course it makes no logical sense. Of course no one capable of independent thought would believe it for a second. But what does that have to do with Bill O’Reilly’s audience?

I’ve heard no argument for why “Happy Holidays” should be disagreeable to anyone. Nevertheless, my aim is to please. So if I meet anyone who I can positively identify as a rgiht-winger, I’ll wish them “Unhappy Holidays”. It makes no sense to me, but if that’s what they want…"

Other fun facts:

Dubya, when he appears in public this time of year, usually will conclude his message by saying: “Happy Holidays and Happy Channukah”. He doesn’t mention Christmas.

The invitation to the Fox New Channel holiday party wished people “Happy Holidays”. It did not use the word Christmas.

Slight hijack…

Speaking of Screamy McBraindead (Bill O’Reilly), did you see The Daily Show lately?

Bill O’Reilly: “I don’t believe most people who aren’t Christian are offended by the words ‘Merry Christmas’. I think those people are nuts. I think you’re crazy if you are offended by the words ‘Merry Christmas’”

Jon Stewart (aside): “I actually agree with that. I think they are just words ‘Merry Christmas’. I think it’s innocuous. I don’t think there is really any way that a sane person could be offended by a silly two word phrase. You what Mr.O’Reilly? You’re a reasonable man.”

O’Reilly’s Guest: “‘Seasons greetings’ and ‘Happy Holidays’ Bill, does not offend Christians!”

Bill O’Reilly: “Yes it does, it absolutely does!”

It’s scary that some people take this guy seriously. How is he still on TV?

Hey, folks below average want to watch television, too.

This whole thing gets me very confused. I grew up in the rural Deep South in an area about as close to 100% Christian as you can get. We still said “Happy Holidays” quite often.

Why? Because we were including Christmas AND New Years. Simple huh? You don’t always have to assume the worst.

I just got off the phone with the NRA. They wished me “Happy Holidays” at the end of the call.

Somebody alert O’Reilly and Falwell and Wildmon. The NRA is obviously a group of long-haired hippie freak America-hatin’ Christmas-defilin’ loonballs.

Bill O’Reilly take on the NRA? Oh, now that’d be a dream come true… :smiley:

I think the appropriate response is, “Help, help, I’m being repressed. Come see the violence inherent in the system!” :slight_smile:

But how are you going to gin up a cultural/partisan conflict out of thin air that way?

And today’s Candorville nails this puppy, btw. Not only does it treat the issue itself properly, but it nails its larger role, with Lemont’s concluding “I was wondering who the next boogeyman would be.”