Privileged sociopath Elizabeth Holmes is pregnant, delaying her trial? WTF?

Well, you can fuck right off, you coliform spewer.

Oh, and welcome to the Straight Dope!

It’s certainly not long-lived newbie behavior. I wager no quatloos on this newcomer. On the mods, OTOH, I’ll go quatloos all-in.

My point was a newbie doesn’t do that. (It’s an obvious sock, or specifically a trock.)

Diane Downs did that.

Honestly, not a whole different scenario, in the long run.

Or it’s just a random ass who’s found another random messageboard to spew anger & hate into.

I actually expect you’re right; our profile out in the world is not so large that random folks show up every day for the questionable fun of being laughed at and banned. Like it or not, we have a much larger population of banned former members than we do of soon to be new members who haven’t noticed us yet but will soon.

Yeah, I think her high-profile backers resent being shown up as dupes and have distanced themselves from her.

I’d guess she also timed her marriage that way.

What’s a trock?

I’m guessing troll-sock.

I immediately thought of Mary Read and Anne Bonny who both plead their bellies during their trials for piracy.

It is sometimes. Some people get a burr under their saddle about a certain celebrity/news item, Google turns up a thread on some message board and they give their rant there never to be seen again.

I’m wondering who was stupid enough to stick his dick in the crazy.

I’ve wondered that too. It’s hard to imagine any rational person wanting to mate with her; even a scheming pragmatist looking for money would surely realize her personal wealth over the long term is far from guaranteed. I worry about the child no matter what.

The guy she married is the heir to a family that owns hotels in California.

Why should only women fall in love with felons?

That certainly answers the question I asked.

I could imagine two particularly narcissistic psychopaths marrying each other. Each fully convinced they’re going to take the other to the cleaners, both financially and emotionally / psychologically.

In fact I’d like to encourage such matings; it’ll save two ordinary people one hell of a lot of grief.

Here’s a non-paywalled article about the then-fiancé / now-husband

From that article

The next line about him acting like a secret police for the CEO

True love!

Crazy is like a roller-coaster. Fun to ride but ya gotta know when to get off.

“The thing about a shark, it’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When it comes at you it doesn’t seem to be livin’.”

Current pictures of her aren’t nearly as freaky. Once she dropped the clown makeup, she’s a perfectly ordinary-looking woman, well within the bounds of conventional standards of attractiveness.

I don’t know if the freak-show look was part of her con, or if the look was really her, and the current much more natural look is the con.

Who knows… I wonder if she even knows…