Pumpkinless pumpkin pie...really!!!

Where do you live that you can’t get canned pumpkin? We use it year-round. My wife makes amazing pumpkin pancakes.


Make sure you mash/blend them very well to break up the “strings”. You want a very smooth texture, and sweet potatoes are much more fibrous than pumpkin.

My basis for the “anything” statement was, one of the first times I made apple pie, I had some nutmeg in the cupboard, and figured a few shakes would be a nice touch. I wasn’t exactly wrong, but I didn’t realize just how little nutmeg you need to have “a touch”. So my apple pie ended up tasting like pumpkin pie.

No, no Ritz. Couldn’t get THAT here, either. For whoever asked up there, I live in Denmark. The grocery scene here is extremely impoverished.

But- does that really exist? A mock apple pie recipe with no apple but Ritz crackers? That’s hilarious! I must know more…

Off to Google


On impulse, I bought “L’Oven Fresh Sweet Potato Pie”, $2.99, at Aldi’s. I mention this because it was remarkably GOOD! The crust was crispy-flaky like home-made, it was a little lighter and more delicate than pumpkin pie, and I highly recommend it. A bit small, 8" maybe. Aldi’s also has pecan pies (haven’t tried them) and several cakes, plus a freezer full of all kinds of great looking goodies.

Our school system used to (maybe does still) feed kids sweet potato pie at Thanksgiving and tell the kids it’s pumpkin- fooled us clear through our senior years.

I have made a couple of acorn squash pies which were quite passable punkin pie substitutes.

Mock apple pie is disgustingly accurate.

There was a recipe that was knocking around on some news sites last year, and I gave it a shot. Basically a pie crust with a filling of boiled Ritz crackers, sugar, and citric acid.

I actually MADE the “Mock Apple Pie” shown on the Ritz cracker box.

It was many years ago, back when we rode the covered wagons across the prairie. I don’t remember all the ingredients aside from crust, Ritz crackers and apple cider vinegar.

It was DAMNED good, and sonofagun, it tasted like APPLE PIE!

I’m not even sure the original recipe contained apple cider vinegar. From what I remember, it had no connection to apples whatsoever, just the spicing of the pie itself.