Punctation/Grammar questions

  1. no comma

  2. no dash.

:smack: You’re right – I misused the term “comma splice.” I thought it referred to both examples of comma misuses (in independent clauses without coordinating conjunctions and in my examples), but it’s just the former.

Was this a typo, or a subtle joke on the importance of punctuation?

Heh…I wish I’d been that clever. It was a typo. “The Little, Brown Compact Handbook.” :wink:

It serves the same function as any comma ever serves. What do you think they’re for?

The comma is, without any doubt, needed and appropriate. The sentence is slightly difficult to parse without it.

(Using this post as a springboard, not directly responding to it)

I’ve got the same job, but I look at transcripts. Believe me, putting commas where pauses naturally occur in speech renders the written word absolutely unreadable.