Question about January Jones acting performance in Mad Men

Very funny, I thought, overall though, the show wasn’t very good.

“Because dogs are boys and cats are girls.”

I still disagree with them on most social issues but I’m prepared to concede that the conservatives are right about this one.:stuck_out_tongue:

A character can be both ‘sinned against’ and unlikeable. One of my favorite things about ROSEANNE was that it was one of the few shows that dared to show gay characters who were neither asexual nor practically perfect in every way, and MAD MEN doesn’t really have any saintly characters. There are moments with all of the characters when you like them and moments when you want to slap them til your hand gets tired, which is one of the things I really like about the show.

Heh. This is how we look at them. The two cats are male but are referred to as “she”, and the dog is female but a “he”. It just seems like that’s how they should be, based on their behavior. Cats are delicate and fussy. Dogs are rambunctious and eat poop.

Things don’t look so good for Miss Jones if Betty [del]Draper[/del] Francis det’s demoted to a recurring character.

I have had the impression (and I guess the SNL helps support it) that January Jones is a terrific actress for the role of Betty Draper. However, like Michael Cera as George Michael Bluth (versus every other role which is “George Michael Bluth tries to go to a party”, “GMB gets a girl pregnant”, etc), she was perfectly cast for the one and only role she can play. Every other role will essentially be “Betty Draper becomes a business exec”, “Betty Draper becomes a neurosurgeon”, “Betty Draper becomes an Israeli sniper” and so forth.

Someone *has *to greenlight that.

I wouldn’t judge everyone’s acting ability by what they do on SNL, but let’s face it: JJ as guest star was out-acted by Sarah Palin when she was a guest star, who’s not an actor!

You don’t think she looks wooden and uncomfortable on MM? That’s the heart of my objection to her acting on that show. She delivers most of her lines in this tense monotone. I will grant that she’s got the facial expressions down and does non-dialogue acting rather brilliantly to show Betty’s character.

I do, but not having ever seen her in anything before MM, I figured that was the character. She’s got a lot going on in that show; raised on the Main Line with money, model-level beauty, married to a man who barely notices her, in an era where it was rare if not unheard of for a woman with means and brains and beauty to forge out on her own and make the most of her life, but she’s unhappy to her core and culturally and romantically stifled, so basically she just shuts down and becomes an automaton.

I guess I had assumed that she was a good actress for her ability to portray that, but it seems that she really doesn’t have any range. I would have loved to see her take advantage of the opportunity that SNL offers to be goofy and let your hair down and let the world see you as having the ability to play a range of characters.

I still like her on MM, I was just disappointed to learn she doesn’t have more range.