Question about Superman and his powers...

Pre-Crisis–and if you don’t know what that mean, read the Wikipedia article on Crisis on Infinite Earths–could do that, yes. He was basically a god, except that he wasn’t immortal. At least, he didn’t think he was; some imaginary stories showed him aging, but it was never stated for sure. He didn’t want to be immortal, in any case; in almost every incarnation, he’s preferred being Clark to being Superman, and is a super-hero because he feels ethically obligated, not because he especially likes it the way that, say, Flash does.

“If you’re wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts / Just tell yourself, ‘It’s just a show,’ then sit back and relax.”

I don’t believe that any incarnation of Superman outside of the movies could reverse time. Pre-Crisis Superman could time travel under his own power but could not AFAIK reverse the flow of time.

What is time-travel but reversing one’s personal time flow?

I always looked at the earth rotating backwards in the movie as representing Kal’s POV as he travelled backwards in time. That said, I concede that comic-book Superman was specifically unable to change history in his own lifetime, because in Pre-Crisis one of the rules of time travel was that if you travelled to a time where you already existed, you would become a phantom even less able to effect the material world that Zod & Faora in the Phantom Zone. Beyond his own lifetime, I think he was afraid of paradoxes and the logical consequences of changing history; he couldn’t have saved Krypton from destruction, f’instance (even assuming he had the tech) because that would mean Earth would be destroyed on on of the many occasions he saved it when he was the world’s only super-hero. (Which was a long stretch–at least ten years.)

He could travel back in time, but not alter history.

I’d say that every time-travel trip nby definition alters history, unless you beleive in predestination.

On a real life level, I agree with this, and back in the 1960s, it was always a :confused: to me.

But, we can put aside accepted theoretical physics here. We can just look at how the entire DC universe has ignored cause and effect within their own universe/theme. Don’t look for continuity. Don’t look for even reason here. Those comics are what they are, and don’t look at anything but today’s issue, sorry