Question for quilting Dopers

I’m vindicated. Curves are evil. I’ll bet it’s a pretty quilt though. Is there a picture? I’ve seen spool quilts but not spinning spools.

The sampler top’s done except for borders. It only measures 56 x 40. Good size for a baby quilt but the fabric isn’t right. Here’s a photo of part of it. I like the sashing and will probably do that again.

I’ll put the same sashing around the edges, but the quilt’s still gonna need a big border to get it to a usable size. Any iideas would be appreciated – or photos of quilts you guys made that have wide borders.

I should take a picture of it! Maybe I’ll have my son do that, and I will send it. Your quilt is very pretty! You are very good! I have seen other threads (no pun intended!! :smiley: ) where you included pictures.

As for your smaller quilt. Why not finish it and give it to a nursing home for a lap quilt for a patient in a wheel chair??

What a good idea!

And yes please, ask your son to do a photo. I googled “spinning spools”, and there are some spinning spools books and clubs, but I didn’t find a photo of a spinning spools quilt – not one with curves anyway. Looks like everybody’s being lazy with the spools quilts. Can’t blame them!