R.I.P Spalding Gray

No, Eve, I found him really sexy. It’s weird I guess that when someone does monologues like that you feel like you spent time talking to them. I knew him from audio tapes of Monster in a Box and Terrors of Pleasure and I listened to them a few times. When someone has talked about himself to you for hours it leaves you with the feeling that you know him. I don’t usually feel anything for a famous person passing but I’ve been pretty sad about Spalding.

I knew of him mostly from his work in theatre. Here’s a link to the Playbill article: http://www.playbill.com/news/article/84806.html

He was not well know in the UK but I read his collection, “Swimming to Cambodia” and thought it one of the funniest things I had ever read. I don’t think he ever came over to England to speak, but if he did I missed him. No chance now more’s the pity :frowning:

I loaned my copy to someone and never got it back and then found it was out of print in the UK. Until he was missing I did not even know of the tapes available - and not sure how I feel about shopping for them now.

What dark places the human mind turns to. What a waste.

That poor man…depression is a horrible illness. I hope that he finds the peace the eluded him here on earth.

[blond moment]

I don’t know why, but I thought Spalding Gray was a racehorse who’d been kidnapped and presumed dead.

And when I heard that his body had shown up in the East River, I was like “WTF??? How do you dump a racehorse’s body in the River and not get noticed?”

Maybe I shouldn’t stay up til 3am anymore.

[/ blond moment]

Does anyone know if his most recent, unfinished monologue, “Life Interrupted” will ever be available on tape? I know he had performed it a few times.

What I can’t get over is how he killed himself—not only is drowning horribly painful, but it was below freezing that day! Even if he didn’t know he’d be putting his family through hell for two months till his body resurfaced, why would anyone choose such an awful way to die? Fer chrissakes, shoot yourself or jump out of a window or put your head on the railroad tracks! But jump into an icy river? Yikes.

Your methods seem gory and painful, too! I’d go for sleeping pills and whiskey, but then I’d never do that, and I guess we’re operating on the faulty premise that a suicidal person is thinking rationally and able to think about others, too. The icy river might not be too painful or prolonged if hypothermia sets in first. He left notes for his family in earlier attempts, so maybe he felt like those would work for this one, too.

Within minutes of reading that his body had been found, I fired up the ol’ DVD player and watched Swimming to Cambodia. Strange, but the movie had a different tone than the last time I watched it. I can almost see him smiling and waving as he stepped into the river.