Rain rain go away!

It’s been raining here for almost a week now and we are sooo sick of it. I put the work away and so far today we have built a bird house out of a kit, made muffins, cupcakes and a cake, almost smashed a window playing basketball in the living room, watched tv, wrestled, cleaned up boyo’s bedroom which we basically needed heavy equipment to do and now he is in his room re arranging all his finest trucks, back hoes, etc. Its 11:55 and we arent even dressed yet. Slacker day!!

I think I’m suffering from a huge case of cabin fever. Usually on Sunday’s I cook a big meal and my bro and friend come for supper, but not the case today as they both ended up having prior commitments.

Anyone up for a rousing game of 2:2?

well, I’m in Florida and it would be great if you could send some of that rain down here. WE ARE ON FIRE!!!

I can sympahize with you sue about the rain. I am in Ontario and I would love some Florida weather Tubagirl!! But just think of all the pretty flowers we get from the rain. :slight_smile:

smiles We’re just getting our rain here. It has been really warm here and we need it. Specially the farmers. (I do live Alberta) Its been really green but still warm. The rain is kind of refreshing after all that heat. Its supposed to rain all week here.

Us Canadians do spend a lot of time talking about our weather, EH? But hey, when you live in such a beautiful country how couldn’t you notice??

Slacker day?? Hell I’m impressed because I don’t even get all that done in a week. I have done absolutely nothing today and that’s how I plan to keep it! :slight_smile:

As far as the weather Its been trying to rain all day but still hasn’t so its nice and stuffy outside right now and sooooooo hot!

If I recall correctly, we are about 20 inches behind on Rainfall, so if YOu could send all the rain you get down this way for a few months, we’d love it. We are one fire away from being kindling here. Already banned bonfires, and fireworks displays are being frowned upon, but not banned yet.

remember, that’s Jackson, MS. Send it in Today! :slight_smile:

No Bonnfires!! That sucks! What is summer without bonnfires on the beach??

I have to ask though, what is our fascination with the weather??