Rejected Movie Titles

Elves, Bikers, and Bigfooted Midgets in Love=Lord of the Rings?

The Peron Family Singers=Evita

Here’s my contribution:

Goth Guy Pulls a Jesus, Only Kills Everyone Instead of Saving Them

Goth Guy Pulls a Jesus, Only Kills Everyone Instead of Saving Them - The Crow

Damn You All to Hell! - Planet of the Apes

Snikt! - X-Men

Automotive Lubricant - Grease

Two guys in a bunker making phone calls

Two guys… = The Longest Day?

Playground Full o’ Lizards = Jurassic Park.

A Reverse Scrooge in Smalltown USA.

Hmmm. I was thinking “Playground Full o’ Lizards” was Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but I’m twisted that way. You’re probably right.